If You’ve Done Any Of These 10 Things, You’re Not A Faithful Person

If You’ve Done Any Of These 10 Things, You’re Not A Faithful Person

While you might not have slept with someone outside of your relationship, that doesn’t mean you’ve been faithful. There are many ways to be unfaithful, such as if you’re spending hours talking about your boyfriend’s flaws to your friends or if you’re super flirtatious with everyone. Here’s the thing: unfaithfulness is about breaking your partner’s trust. If you wouldn’t do the behavior in front of your partner, it’s probably dodgy. So, if you’ve done any of these 10 things, you’re not faithful. Sorry, but it’s true.

1. You’re Touchy Feely With Other People.

When you socialize with people, are you always hugging them and gyrating against them on the dance floor? Yikes. It might seem like NBD to you, but how would you feel if your partner was watching you and that cute guy dance like that? While there’s nothing wrong with touching per se, it can easily cross a line if you’re doing things with other people that are not confined to friendship.

2. You Flirt Excessively With One Person.

There’s nothing wrong with flirting a bit with people, as long as it’s light and casual. But if you’re always flirting a lot with one specific person, such as a platonic friend in your social circle, that can get some alarm bells ringing. It seems like there’s something special about your relationship with that person, which would probably make your partner taken note.

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4. You Haven’t Resolved Previous Cheating.

If you previously cheated on a partner but you haven’t been honest about it with your current partner or you never worked through what you did, that’s not cool. It’s like you just want to forget about it, but that’s not what a faithful person does. How can you ensure you won’t cheat on someone again if you haven’t grown from your previous mistakes? It’s dodgy.

5. You Introduce Your Partner As A Friend.

When you’re hanging with friends or someone at a party asks if your partner is dating you, you might answer with, “No, they’re just a friend.” Wait, what?! Even if you haven’t cheated on them, this behavior is so dodgy because those relationship labels matter. Sometimes, hiding your relationship status can be a precursor to doing dodgier things in your relationship.

6. You Chat Deeply With People Online.

Emotional affairs are a real thing. If you don’t have a physical attraction to the online friend to whom you spill all your relationship secrets and experiences, that doesn’t mean you’re not being unfaithful to your partner. If you’re confiding so much in someone outside of the relationship, this is taking you away from building trust with your partner.

7. You’ve Had An “Object” Affair.

Affairs don’t always have to be about other people. Whatever is taking up tons of your time and energy so you can’t connect with your partner can be described as an object affair. For example, if you’ve got a new hobby and you’re spending all your free time doing it and you don’t spend any time with your partner. Or, if you’re on social media all night and then sleep all day so you never see your partner.

8. You’re Always Running To Help Your Ex.

Maybe you’re still close friends with your ex. Nothing wrong with that, unless you’re prioritizing your friendship with your ex over the relationship with your partner. So, if you’re always ready to help your ex or listen to them talk about their problems until the early hours even though your partner’s upset about it. Or, if you’re lying to your partner about the extent of your friendship.

9. You Rip Into Your Partner With Your Friends.

When you blab to your friends about your relationship, do you talk about your partner so much that you’re airing your dirty laundry all the time? It’s quite harsh. Instead of dealing with issues in your relationship with your partner, you’re venting about them to people outside of your relationship. It feels like a betrayal, TBH.

10. You Stay Out All Night.

If you go out with friends, drinking and partying, and you don’t keep your partner updated about what’s going on, they might wonder what you’re really getting up to. While you shouldn’t feel like your partner has to keep tabs on your movements, if you’re always doing this and going AWOL, it’s not fair on your partner. You’re behaving like a single person when you’re taken, which feels dishonest.

11. You’ve Got A Dormant Dating Profile.

Maybe you stopped logging into your dating profile when you got into a relationship, but you never deleted your account. Woah, having an active dating profile when you’re in a relationship is a little dodgy, don’t you think? While you might say you never log in or communicate with other people, it still feels weird that you’re keeping it open, almost like you’re hoping to have a backup option in place if your current relationship doesn’t work out.

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.