14 Traits Of Resilient People Who Never Give Up In Tough Times

“Never give up” is a life mantra that isn’t always easy to follow. Sometimes, things get in our way and challenges feel too impossible to overcome. If you’re feeling like you don’t know how to move forward, it can be helpful to learn from those who persevere and have “resilience” tattooed on their souls. They keep pushing, fighting, and kicking to make life bend to their iron will. But, how do they do it, exactly? Here are 14 traits of resilient people who never give up in tough times, no matter what life throws at them. Why not try to adopt them in your own life?

1. They Have Something To Fight For.

It’s not easy to get out of bed in the morning and fight if you don’t have something to live for. People who persevere have a greater reason for achieving their goals. Maybe they’re passionate about their dream because it can change their lives or they want to provide a better life for their kids. Whatever the case, it helps to have that big cause in mind to keep you motivated.

2. They Visualize Success.

If you’ve ever paid attention to the Law of Attraction, you’ll know that it’s important to visualize yourself receiving what you want. This sends out the message to the universe that you’re ready to receive it. So, imagine yourself crossing the marathon finish line or opening the door to your newly-purchased house. Doing this regularly will keep you filled with the excitement you need to fuel your dreams and make you work hard to reach your destination.

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4. They Don’t Let Plan A Weigh Them Down.

You’ve got to roll with the punches! In reality, you can spend hours planning how you’re going to overcome your challenges, but life could have a totally different plan written in a different language. This isn’t a dead-end. Resilient people will find other ways to get around their problems. They don’t get caught up in a plan they love if it’s not working for them. It’s a waste of energy.

5. They Don’t Feel Like A Victim.

We can all be victims of things: bad times, crime, rude people. However, resilient people don’t start wearing the “victim” label. They don’t go around acting as though the world’s out to get them and they’ll never be taken seriously. They focus on why they’re fighters and warriors, keeping a positive mindset that helps them get through dark days.

6. They Have Mood Boosters Handy.

Everyone can feel overwhelmed and disappointed at times. People with a strong fighting spirit also do, but it’s just that they don’t let those feelings get the best of them. When those feelings strike, they know how to deal with them. It’s about having mood boosters handy, whether that’s hitting the gym to burn off negative energy, listening to a feel-good playlist, or listening to an inspiring audiobook. Whatever the case, they know how to improve their mood when required.

7. They Don’t Catastrophize.

It’s easy to catastrophize and assume the worst-case scenario when something negative strikes. But this can cause you to feel worse and find other things to bring you down. Instead, it’s better to focus on the present moment and what you can do now. When you get thoughts like, “What if X and Y happens? What will I do then?”, tell yourself you’ll cross the bridge if and when you need to. Which brings us to the next point.

8. They Trust Themselves.

One of the most important traits people who persevere have is a strong self-trust. They might not be able to trust everyone around them, but that doesn’t matter because they know they can always depend on themselves to fight and persevere. They lean on the inner truth that they’ll always find a way and this rock-solid stance keeps them strong no matter what.

9. They Don’t Spiral About The Small Stuff.

When you’re going through a difficult time, it’s easy to get frustrated by little things around you. But trying to make things perfect or complaining when things don’t meet your standards is a guaranteed way to get caught up in the snowstorm of your thoughts and feel stuck. People who persevere don’t let little frustrations get to them. If they can’t sleep or they can’t find time for a specific hobby, or whatever, they find ways around it. They’re flexible to handle various situations and rise above them by focusing on the bigger picture.

10. They Overcome Their Fears.

Fears can hold you back in life and make you avoid opportunities for growth. People who persevere know the power they gain when they overcome their fears. For example, if someone had a bad car crash years ago, they might be afraid to drive on the highway, which is problematic if they need to drive a lot in their dream job. By overcoming their fear, such as by going to therapy or taking baby steps to get comfortable with driving, they can overcome the obstacles in their way. Remember: every success will motivate you to achieve greater success!

11. They Don’t Resist What Happens.

You know what they say, “What you resist, persists.” Basically, it means that the more you try to fight something, the more it’s going to stick around and annoy you. So, you might as well go with it and be open to it, perhaps even by seeing something positive you can learn from it. This is much more empowering and uses less energy than if you’re always trying to block it.

12. They Put Bad Stories On Mute.

You know how disheartening it can be when you tell someone you’re going to climb Mt. Everest and they tell you about how many climbers die attempting the summit every year. Yikes. Surround yourself with negative stories or stories about people who didn’t achieve their goals, and they’ll seep into your mind, stopping you from focusing on your dreams. Rather seek the stories of success against the odds.

13. They Coach Themselves.

Giving yourself a pep talk when you need it can shift your negative mindset. Resilient people know the importance of doing this. Something as simple as telling themselves, “I can!” is so powerful. Keep a few positive affirmations on hand to keep you on track.

14. They’re Motivated By “No.”

So many great people who achieved their dreams have stories of setbacks and rejections they suffered, which makes their success so much more rewarding. They were told “no” by many people in their lives who didn’t think they could succeed. But they continued to focus on their goals and work hard, proving them wrong. Although we want to hear life tell us “yes,” sometimes hearing “no” can make us push harder to prove those naysayers wrong!

15. They View Failure As A Learning Experience.

The most successful people in the world will experience failure at some point. Resilient people don’t let it get to them. Instead of thinking of themselves as failures, they refer to failure as experience. Sometimes, what you consider to be a failure is actually a success. Just think of Ruth Wakefield who created the choc-chip cookie by accident in the 1930s, not realizing that chocolate bits wouldn’t melt in her batter. While she thought this was a mistake, it made her famous and gave us a delish treat we love.

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.