15 Things Only People With A Strong Intuition Do

Have you ever known something without having any of the facts or being told by someone in the know? Maybe you could tell the cutie at the club was a catch before speaking to them, or you got the sense that you were going to pass an exam with flying colors. It’s such a rush when your intuition tells you things and guides you in life. Having a strong sense of intuition is about knowing things beyond logical reasoning and trusting one’s inner wisdom to make good decisions and navigate challenges. Here are 15 truths people with a strong intuition bear in mind.

1. They practice mindfulness.

People with strong intuition practice mindfulness regularly. Being mindful means being completely present in the moment. It involves directing full attention to the task, emotions, or surroundings in front of you. This practice prevents them from thinking about the past or future, so they can be more aware of and sink into every emotion and sensation. Ultimately, it helps intuitive people have a deeper connection with their inner truth.

2. They value me-time.

Having time away from other people is crucial to focus on one’s inner truth and thoughts, which is why people with a high level of intuition will carve out regular time for themselves. This prevents them from depending on others’ opinions or being too influenced by them, which can take them away from their authentic needs and wants.

3. They’re skilled at being empathetic.

Empathy is linked to intuition. Both involve interpreting nonverbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions. Someone with high levels of intuition will sense the underlying emotions behind other people’s words and actions. This gives them a more accurate “read” on people.

4. They embrace their feelings.

Intuitive people don’t try to avoid their feelings or shy away from them. Even if the feelings are heavy, such as frustration or anger, they let them surface so they can learn from them. They know that feelings are like messengers, providing them with insights about themselves, the world around them, and other people.

5. They pay attention to their surroundings.

People with a keen intuition are highly observant. This gives them the information they need from their surroundings to help them better understand the world around them. So, they’ll notice the energy or vibe when walking into a new restaurant or person’s house. Or, they’ll pick up on details such as unique artwork that conveys a deeper meaning. They look for clues into “reading” locations and the people who frequent them.

6. They pause and reflect.

If someone with strong intuition feels uncomfortable, they know they don’t have to put pressure on themselves to figure out what’s causing them to be unsettled. For example, if a job offer is making them anxious, they’ll prefer to take some time to monitor and analyze their feelings. This break gives them the clarification they need to figure out what’s going on and how to move forward.

7. They listen to their body.

Shot of a young man experiencing elbow pain in a gym

Physical sensations, such as anxiety, nausea, and agitation, can provide clues to one’s well-being. People with strong intuition pay attention to these physical signs because it’s usually a manifestation of their feelings. By allowing the sensations to exist and taking time to meditate on them, they’ll better understand what their body is trying to tell them about themselves and their choices.

8. They meditate to unlock their hidden self.

Speaking of meditation, people with strong intuitive powers like to do this on a regular basis. It clears their mind of busy, useless thoughts and helps them to connect with their deeper selves. They can unlock emotions and desires they weren’t previously aware of, which helps them to strengthen their gut feelings.

9. They love prioritizing quiet time.

One’s thoughts and feelings can get stuck when life is too busy or stressed. Intuitive people know how important it is to close the door to the world and sit in silence for a bit, as this enables them to come to the surface. Without any distractions, like beeping cell phones and hectic workloads, they can focus on their thoughts and feelings to take stock of where they’re at and where they’re going.

10. They gain inner wisdom by keeping a dream diary.

Intuitive people understand the significance of their dreams as windows into their subconscious minds. Keeping a journal in which they can jot down their dreams helps them to gain a better understanding of themselves. For example, if someone dreams of being lost in a maze, reflecting on it later can help them figure out how they’re feeling lost or confused in their waking life. They’ll identify recurring patterns in their dreams that reflect their underlying thoughts and emotions.

11. They notice patterns in people.

Highly intuitive people pay more attention to the habits and patterns displayed by the people around them. Noticing those subtle cues helps them figure out what other people are about and if they’re worth getting to know. For example, when dating someone new, they’ll notice consistency in text messages and body language cues to help them figure out the person’s level of romantic interest.

12. They prioritize creativity.

thoughtful woman working at laptop

There’s a positive link between creativity and intuition. Being more creative encourages fresh and spontaneous thinking, which can help to strengthen one’s connection to their emotions. People with strong intuition embrace their imagination and think outside the box, which helps them come up with innovative solutions and different approaches that others might not have considered.

13. They set boundaries.

Setting boundaries is important for intuitive people because it ensures they don’t waste their energy. They’re so in tune with other people’s emotions that they have to stop themselves from taking on too much, distracting them from their own feelings. They also need to avoid putting other people’s needs ahead of their own, which can block their authentic feelings and desires from flowing to the surface.

14. They keep a gratitude journal.

Being grateful is something people with high levels of intuition do to stay grounded. It helps them focus on blessings in their lives, which enables them to reflect on abundance and positivity. With a positive outlook, they can encourage a healthier sense of well-being and prevent negativity from clouding their thinking. Optimism keeps the mind open, which is crucial to receive intuitive insights.

15. They view vulnerability as a strength.

Although some people might try to avoid being vulnerable, intuitive people view it in a positive light. When they’re open with others without letting their ego get in the way, they can connect more deeply with their feelings and make stronger connections. This, in turn, fosters authentic experiences and encourages greater insights to come rolling in.

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.