18 Surprising Signs A Male Co-Worker Likes You

18 Surprising Signs A Male Co-Worker Likes You

We spend a massive chunk of our lives at our jobs. Between the endless meetings, coffee breaks, and team lunches, we form bonds that often blur the line between professional and personal. Sometimes, amidst the reports and presentations, there’s a subtle dynamic at play, especially when it seems a male co-worker likes you because he’s showing a little more interest than just discussing the quarterly stats. So, how can you tell if it’s genuine interest or just friendly banter? Consider these signs.

1. He gives you loads of lingering glances.

Sure, eye contact is polite during conversation, but if you catch him stealing glances even when you’re not engaged in a discussion, it might be a sign. A glance here and there is natural, but constant, lingering eye contact can be a subtle hint of his interest.

2. He remembers the little things you say and do.

You casually mentioned your favorite coffee flavor two months ago, and now, he surprises you with it during a team coffee run. These little gestures and his knack for remembering personal details might indicate he’s paying extra attention to you.

3. He’s always around (even when he should be working).

You’ve noticed he’s often around your desk, even if his workstation is on the other side of the floor. If he seems to find reasons to pop by or be in the vicinity often, he might be finding ways to be closer to you.

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5. He’s always going the extra mile for you.

While colleagues help each other out, if he’s constantly going that extra mile just for you—be it staying late to assist you or offering resources without you asking—it could be a sign. It’s like his subtle way of saying, “I’ve got your back.”

6. He finds any excuse to touch you.

We’re not talking anything inappropriate here. Just subtle gestures like a pat on the back, touching your arm during a conversation, or even playfully nudging you. Physical touch, even if innocent, can sometimes betray deeper feelings. This is one of the most obvious signs your male co-worker likes you as more than a pal.

6. He’s full of praise and compliments.

A compliment on a job well done is standard office decorum. But if he’s often singing your praises, even for the little things, and makes sure others know about your achievements, he might be showcasing more than just professional appreciation. It’s like he’s saying, “See? She’s amazing!” without really saying it.

7. Something about you initiates his protective instincts.

Have you noticed him stepping in when you’re in a challenging situation, maybe during a heated meeting or when you’re dealing with a difficult client? If he often goes out of his way to shield you or make things easier, it’s a good indicator of his personal interest in your well-being. Something about you has triggered his hero instinct.

8. You’re his go-to person.

Whether it’s a quick question, a coffee break, or even seeking advice on a project, you seem to be his first port of call. Now, it’s not just about work; perhaps he values your perspective or maybe, just maybe, he’s finding reasons to interact.

male colleague smiling at female colleague

9. He goes out of the way to chat to you on social media.

Now, while LinkedIn might be the workplace social media staple, if he’s actively engaging with you on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, it might hint at wanting to connect beyond work. It’s not about stalking, but a like here, a comment there, especially on non-work-related posts, can be quite revealing.

10. He’s always inviting you out for lunch and coffee.

Everyone needs a break, but if he’s consistently inviting you for lunch or a quick coffee outside the office, he’s likely interested in spending quality time. It’s those moments, away from the humdrum of office tasks, where real conversations happen, and connections deepen.

11. He loves teasing you and having playful banter.

Remember those schoolyard crushes where teasing was a primary form of communication? If your co-worker indulges in light-hearted teasing or playful banter specifically with you, he might be channeling those old school tactics. It’s an age-old strategy: make her laugh, catch her attention.

12. His body language speaks volumes.

Body language can be one of the most telling signs. If he’s often leaning in when speaking to you, mirroring your actions, or even subconsciously pointing his feet towards you during group conversations, he’s likely intrigued. These subtle non-verbal cues can often reveal more than words.

13. He’s always telling you personal details about his life.

Work talk is one thing, but if he often delves into personal stories, shares his aspirations, fears, or details from his weekend, he’s letting you into his world. Sharing personal tidbits is a way of deepening a connection and hinting that he trusts you.

14. He loves engaging in small talk.

How was your weekend? Did you watch that new series? Small talk might seem trivial, but if he’s consistently initiating it, he’s looking for ways to converse and connect. It’s not just about passing time; it’s about getting to know you beyond the professional facade.

15. He notices little changes you make.

Did you get a new haircut? Are those new earrings? If he’s quick to notice (and comment on) even the slightest changes in your appearance or demeanor, he’s paying special attention. Most colleagues might miss these details, but someone with a keen interest won’t.

16. He’s always available for you no matter how busy he is.

Having a hard day and need to vent? Facing a tech glitch you can’t solve? If he’s consistently making himself available for you, even outside of work hours or during busy periods, it’s a clear sign he values your comfort and wants to be there for you. It’s about more than just professional courtesy; it’s a genuine concern for your well-being.

17. His friends know about you.

You bump into his work buddies at a corporate event, and they seem to know a tad too much about you. Maybe how you love Thai food or your plans for the upcoming holiday. If his friends are in the loop about these details, there’s a good chance he’s been talking about you. And usually, we chat about those we have a special interest in.

18. He gets jealous when you hang out with other colleagues.

This one’s a bit tricky, but worth noting. If he seems a tad uncomfortable or distant when he sees you getting close to another colleague or when someone else sings your praises, it could hint at feelings of jealousy. It’s a classic human emotion and a definite sign of interest, but remember to approach this with caution and sensitivity.

How to tell for sure if your coworker likes you

millennial colleagues in office meeting

The exciting thing about human interactions is that they’re complex, layered, and often open to interpretation. So, while the signs we’ve discussed could suggest that a male co-worker might have more than professional feelings for you, it’s essential to remember that these are just potential indicators, not definitive proofs. Everyone has a unique way of expressing themselves. What one person sees as a sign of deep connection, another might view as simple camaraderie or friendly rapport.

It’s always essential to exercise caution, especially in a workplace setting. While these signs can act as a guideline, the true essence lies in the nuances. Factors such as cultural differences, personal upbringing, and individual personality traits can influence how someone behaves. For instance, some cultures are inherently more expressive, tactile, and open, leading to behaviors that might be misconstrued as personal interest.

Always consider the broader context and the specific dynamics you share with the guy. Direct communication, when appropriate and comfortable, can also be a valuable tool. If you feel there’s ambiguity, sometimes it’s best to have an open conversation to ensure both parties are on the same page. Trust your instincts, but also be open to understanding the myriad ways human beings interact, connect, and express their feelings.

What should you do if a male co-worker likes you?

So, the signs are there, and it seems like your male co-worker might be looking at you as more than just a colleague. It’s a tale as old as time, but the workplace twist adds its own set of challenges and nuances. Whether you’re flattered, interested, or a bit uneasy, how you respond can influence not just your professional dynamic but also your personal well-being. Let’s delve into a thoughtful approach to handling the situation.

1. Think before you act.

Before making any moves or decisions, take a moment to genuinely reflect on how you feel. Are you interested? Do you view him purely as a colleague? Or is there just a hint of confusion? Knowing where you stand emotionally is the first step to navigating any scenario.

2. Make sure your professional boundaries are in place.

Regardless of your feelings, remember that the office is primarily a place of work. So, ensuring that professional and personal boundaries are maintained is crucial. This doesn’t mean being cold or distant but just ensuring that work always comes first.

3. Have an honest chat with him.

If you feel it’s appropriate and you’re comfortable, consider having a candid conversation. Whether you’re interested or not, being open about your feelings can prevent misunderstandings and clarify where both parties stand.

4. Want a partner? Attract love with the power of your mind.

Sweetn is a new research-based startup that shows you how to call love into your life with the power of your mind. Take our quiz, and try our tools—they can transform your energy and your love life in a few weeks. Just click here.

5. Talk to someone about it.

Sometimes, chatting with a trusted friend, mentor, or HR representative can offer clarity. They can provide an outside perspective, and if you decide to take things further, they might have insights on company policies about workplace relationships. Obviously, don’t go turning him into HR if it’s not problematic – just know it’s an option if you need it.

6. Gauge the office vibe.

Every workplace has its culture. In some, personal relationships are a no-go, while in others, it’s not a big deal. It’s essential to understand this, especially if you’re considering taking things further.

7. Trust your instincts.

Intuition is powerful. If something feels off, or if you’re not comfortable with the attention, trust those feelings. Your well-being, both emotional and professional, should always be paramount.

Remember, while office romances can be thrilling, they also come with their own set of complications. Ensuring that you approach the situation with thoughtfulness, clarity, and respect for both yourself and your co-worker can pave the way for a positive outcome, whatever direction you decide to take.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.