9 Habits Successful People Don’t Waste Their Time On (And Neither Should You)

9 Habits Successful People Don’t Waste Their Time On (And Neither Should You)

Success often involves not just what you do but also what you choose not to do. Highly successful people have specific habits that help them manage their time effectively and avoid wasting it on unproductive pursuits. Here are some things they avoid doing at all cost — and their lives are much better for it.

1. They don’t multitask — they focus on one thing at a time.

Multitasking might seem like a badge of honor, but successful people know it’s a recipe for chaos. Instead, they zero in on one task at a time. They understand that quality beats quantity. When you give something your full attention, you’re more likely to excel at it. So, ditch the juggling act and start prioritizing focused work. You’ll be amazed at how much more you can accomplish when you stop spreading yourself thin.

2. They don’t procrastinate — they put their head down and get the job done.

Procrastination? Not in the playbook of successful people. They grasp that waiting for the “perfect moment” is a snare. Instead, they dive into tasks, even if it’s a tad challenging. It’s about taking action, no matter how small, as they know that tiny steps stack up to colossal achievements. So, if you’re gunning for success, you’re going to have to stop putting things off and start getting things done. It really is that simple.

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4. They don’t say yes to everything — they know their limits.

It’s tempting to be a people-pleaser and say yes to every request that comes your way. But successful people recognize the importance of setting boundaries. They understand that overcommitting leads to burnout and subpar results. By knowing their limits and saying no when necessary, they protect their time and energy for what truly matters. It’s not about being selfish; it’s about being strategic. So, take a page from their book and start saying no when it’s the right move for you.

5. They don’t spend too much time staring at their phones or computer screens.

Technology is everywhere and there’s no getting away from it. However, successful people are mindful of their screen time. They don’t let their devices rule their lives. They set limits and prioritize face-to-face interactions. This approach allows them to foster deeper connections with others and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It’s about being present in the real world, not just the virtual one. So, take a cue from them and unplug when it matters most.

6. They dwell on mistakes — they learn and move forward.

Mistakes are part of the journey, but successful people don’t get stuck in the past. When they mess up, they acknowledge it, extract lessons from it, and keep moving forward. It’s not about dwelling on the error; it’s about using it as a stepping stone for growth. This forward-focused mindset enables them to continuously evolve and excel in their endeavors. So, if you want to follow in their footsteps, adopt a similar attitude toward mistakes – view them as opportunities for learning and progress, not as burdens to carry.

7. They don’t overcommit — they do what they can but nothing more.

Overcommitting? Nah, that’s not how successful people roll. They define their boundaries because they understand that quality outperforms quantity. They commit to what they can handle and shine in those commitments. It’s not about saying yes to everything; it’s about making strategic choices aligned with their game plan. By steering clear of overcommitment, they nail what truly matters and consistently deliver top-tier work.

8. They don’t gossip or talk badly about other people.

Successful people’s focus remains locked onto their goals and aspirations, and they know that indulging in gossip or negativity is a one-way ticket to nowhere. Instead, they maintain a positive aura, not only for themselves but for those around them. They understand that a positive work environment is more conducive to productivity and creativity. Remember, gossip not only burns bridges but also chips away at your own growth. So, take a page from their playbook and keep it positive.

9. They don’t micromanage  — they trust in other people’s capabilities.

People who are successful know that micromanagement is a creativity killer and a surefire way to demotivate their team members. Instead, they empower their colleagues to take ownership of their tasks and projects, fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability. By letting go of the reins, they create a culture of trust and collaboration, essential for achieving ambitious goals. So, if you’re tempted to micromanage, remember that successful people understand the power of trust, and you should too.

10. They don’t skip self-care — they know this is the key to avoiding burnout.

Burnout is the arch-enemy of success. Successful people recognize this and prioritize self-care like it’s a non-negotiable meeting. They understand that taking care of themselves isn’t selfish; it’s a smart investment in their well-being. They know that neglecting self-care can lead to exhaustion, decreased productivity, and even health issues. So, they make sure to recharge their batteries regularly. Whether it’s through exercise, meditation, a hobby they love, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, self-care is a crucial part of their routine. By prioritizing self-care, they ensure they have the energy, resilience, and mental clarity needed to conquer their goals and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.