16 Reasons You Miss Someone You Barely Know

16 Reasons You Miss Someone You Barely Know

You only hung out with this person for a few days or even a few hours, but you find yourself missing them anyway. It’s clear they made a profound effect on you in a short time, but why are you pining for them when you barely know them? Here’s why this might be happening.

1. They took you by surprise.

signs of attraction

It’s rare to meet someone who’s super mysterious and charismatic. Maybe the person has a cool vibe or energy that you could pick up on immediately. This pulled you in pretty much immediately, and now you can’t help but wonder what else is lurking just beneath the surface. You’d love the opportunity to find out!

2. You feel like they’re very similar to you.

couple flirting and laughing at outdoor cafe

Maybe you met the person and felt like you got along like a house on fire right away. Maybe you had the same upbringing, you went through the same kind of trauma, or you’re obsessed with the same hobbies. This can spark a sense of familiarity and make you feel like you’re reuniting with a lost part of yourself in a weird way.

3. They’re magnetic.

dating an aquarius woman

Some people just have a charming, magnetic personality that draws everyone to them. You could’ve been unable to resist their energy, so the experience has stuck with you. No wonder you miss them! You want more of their presence in your life to the point that it’s all you can think about.

4. They made you feel a spark.

couple dating

Maybe you’ve been on your own for a long time and you were starting to worry that you’d never feel the spark with anyone again. Then, you met this person, and boom! You suddenly felt like you were on cloud nine. That feeling is addictive, especially since it confirms that you’re still capable of instant and intense attraction.

5. They make you question, “What If?”

serious blonde woman portrait

There could be a sense of potential that you feel around this person. Maybe you can’t help but torture yourself by wondering what could happen if you spent more time together and found a way to connect on a deeper level. You’re sure there’s potential there and you’re anxious to explore it.

6. The conversation wasn’t finished.

couple in sunglasses having chat

Maybe you were left hanging after your interaction because you both had more to say but had to go. Now, you’re left wondering what would have been said. You just want closure (and to know if they were going to ask for your number). If you’re lucky, you’ll get another chance to find out.

7. You share the same dreams.

It’s not always easy to find someone with whom you share the same dreams or goals for the future, especially if what you envision for the years ahead is unusual or unique. It can create an instant connection that’s difficult to forget about when your interaction is over.

8. They cracked you up.

smiling guy sitting outdoors in summer

A sense of humor in someone is a powerful thing, and it can make you feel amazing to belly laugh with someone you don’t even know that well. I mean, how many people really make you laugh so hard that you cry? The fact that they could tap into your humor without even knowing you must mean something, right?

9. They’re exactly your type.

young hipsters hanging out

While looks aren’t everything, sometimes a physical attraction to someone can be powerful and intoxicating. Maybe this person had exactly the features you’re looking for in a partner, and that was enough for them to stay in your mind. You haven’t come across anyone like them before and you can’t let that go.

10. They made you feel special.

smiling man looking at camera outdoors

When you spent some time in this person’s company, they made you feel like you were something special. They asked you questions about yourself and your life and seemed totally enthralled with the answers. It was like they saw right into your soul, which was thrilling.

11. You’re feeling lonely.

signs he's done with the relationship

If you’ve struggled to build connections with people recently, you might be desperate to experience a close bond with someone — or anyone, for that matter. You could be feeling lonely, which makes any contact with people who truly see you feel even more powerful.

12. You need a distraction from your life.

woman phone texting

This could be happening without you realizing it. You’re seeking a distraction from your problems and this person seems like the perfect escape because they’re so much fun to be around. You’d feel totally bummed if you didn’t get to see them again, especially since you forgot about all the bad stuff in your life when you were with them.

13. They remind you of someone you once cared about deeply.

dating a gemini man

Maybe the person is so intriguing to you because they remind you of someone else. Maybe they look a bit like your ex or they remind you of a crush you had when you were younger. Whatever the case, this can bolster the sense of familiarity you experience around them.

14. You want to fix them.

man with beard using mobile

After talking to them, you realized that they’re perfect for you — except for that one little trait or behavior that brings them down. You might be drawn to them because you want to try to fix them and get love from them in return. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this is a really bad idea.

15. You’re fantasizing about them.

woman smiling with boyfriend's chin in her palm

If you don’t really know this person, you could be projecting your fantasies onto them. You’re dreaming up who they really are, the way they act, and how they feel about you, but it’s all in your head.  The person could be (and probably is!) completely different from what you’re imagining.

16. You’re fresh out of a breakup.

Enjoying city life.

You might have just ended your previous relationship, which is making you feel sad and alone. Maybe you saw this other person and they were so interesting and attractive that they made you feel things. It’s intoxicating, sure, but you’re in a vulnerable state of mind and need to heal before you get back out there.

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.