He Might Break Your Heart, But That’s No Reason Not To Give Him A Chance

How often in life do we let our fears hold us back from something that might be absolutely wonderful? Probably more often than we want to admit. When it comes to love, however, your failed relationships might leave you unwilling to let anyone in. Here’s why you shouldn’t let that stop you from giving a potentially great guy a chance.

  1. Refusing to let people in means missing out on a lot of beautiful and amazing things. I know that it can be hard to trust again when you’ve been let down in the past or had your heart completely shattered by someone before, but you can’t hold the way other people treated you before against people you meet now. This new guy may break your heart (and TBH, you might end up breaking his) but he also might be the love of your life.
  2. Heartbreak is inevitable in life. Of course you want to protect yourself from any potential pain or danger you might foresee, but the truth is heartbreak in life is unavoidable. It’s going to happen, but it usually means that you had happiness and love with someone once and you have a lesson to learn from it. You can try to avoid heartbreak all you want, but you’ll be unsuccessful and lonely.
  3. Heartbreak comes in many forms. Not every heartbreak is romantic; your heart can break in many other ways, as well—for example, a death of a loved one or the loss of a close friend. This is why it’s unavoidable in life. Even if you close yourself off to any romantic relationship possibilities, you’re still susceptible to heartbreak, because it happens in many different ways. Refusing to give someone a chance based on the fear that he may break your heart won’t protect you from heartbreak, but it’ll keep you from falling in love and having a romantic connection with someone.
  4. Not all relationships are meant to last forever and that’s OK. It may seem like setting yourself up for failure to let yourself fall for someone who might end up breaking your heart. Relationships that aren’t meant to last forever still serve an important purpose in life. They give you beautiful, happy memories, teach you how to love better and be better, and show you what you want (and don’t want) from a relationship.
  5. It’s easier to process getting your heart broken when you accept that it’s a part of life. Nobody likes getting their heart broken but when you accept that it’s an unavoidable part of life, it becomes a lot easier to deal with. A broken heart means you tried, you loved, and you learned. It will make you stronger and more prepared the next time you fall in love.
  6. He might break your heart but he might heal it too. Automatically assuming that someone is going to break your heart is cynical, like seeing the glass half-empty instead of half-full. The truth is that falling for him may leave you broken hearted, but it also might heal the cracks in your heart. Why miss out on something as beautiful as falling in love because you’re afraid of ending up hurt?
  7. When something in life scares you, it’s usually a sign that its something you need to face. Being afraid or nervous is absolutely fine, but use that fear as motivation, not an excuse for why to avoid something. Life is scary and so is love, but our fears should be something we strive to conquer. Being scared of a broken heart is totally understandable, but don’t let that be the reason you refuse to give anyone a chance at all.
  8. What often ruins our present moment is our perceptions of our life around us. Perceptions aren’t always true—in fact, they’re usually not, because they’re the way we view things based on our past experiences rather than how they actually are. If you believe that every new potential love interest that you meet is going to break your heart, you’re bringing negative energy and a negative perspective to a situation that didn’t exist in the first place.
  9. It’s cliché, but it’s better to have loved and lost in life than to never have loved at all. I know, you’re probably rolling your eyes while reading that but it’s true! Love doesn’t have to last forever to be meaningful, beautiful, and life-changing. Sometimes love can last forever, but more often than not, it doesn’t. That doesn’t take away how amazing it is at the time. You might end up broken-hearted, but even if you do, you’ll still have wonderful memories and lessons learned.
Kerry is a freelance writer from Boston, Massachusetts who now lives in the Sunshine State with the love of her life and her 15 month old daughter. She writes frequently about her personal experiences (find more of her work on www.followmetogetlost.wordpress.com). She has an Etsy shop with cute items: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FollowMeToGetLostWhen she's not writing, she loves to spend time outside, at the beach, and with her family.