6 Lame Things Guys Do To Impress Women That We See Right Through

While it’s great when a guy we like seems invested in getting to know us in return, there are some things dudes do in the name of impressing us that are actually super lame and have the exact opposite effect. Why do they even bother with this crap?

  1. Claiming they’re “too busy” to text back Guys who do this need to get a life. They like to seem like they have such full, important lives that they couldn’t possibly pause for .5 seconds to shoot us a text back despite the fact that they’re likely scrolling down their Facebook or Instagram feeds or swiping through Tinder anyway. If they can’t be considerate enough to answer us in a timely manner, we’ll be moving on, thanks.
  2. Lying or boasting about how much money they make It’s baffling why some guys think that flashing the cash is the way to a woman’s heart. Newsflash, bros: most women aren’t gold diggers and we care way more about what you have to offer as a human being than how many zeros are on your bank balance. Guys who go on and on about how much money they have are sending one clear message: they have nothing better to offer.
  3. Bragging about how many women are into them Another move that seems obviously dumb but is employed by way too many guys. Telling us how many women they’re talking to in addition to us or going on and on about how many girls they’ve slept with, how many exes they have, etc. basically books them a one-way ticket to Loserville—and we won’t be joining them.
  4. Sending unsolicited dick pics It doesn’t matter if he’s got the biggest penis on earth—sending pics of their junk is not sexy or impressive, nor is it welcome. In fact, in many cases, it’s outright sexual harassment. If we get to the point where we get to see them naked, we’ll enjoy the view in person. Until then, guys need to stop with this disgusting habit.
  5. Constantly talking about how they’re feminists/believe in equality While we definitely want to date guys who are on board with equality for all people, not just women, there’s no bigger turn-off than a dude who hammers on and on about how much of a feminist he is as if it’s some kind of bragging right. Guys who do this are also likely to be self-described “nice guys.” Yuck. If he’s a true feminist, he won’t need to keep telling you—he’ll act like it.
  6. Basically stalking us to “show their interest” There’s nothing worse than putting in a ton of effort with a guy and getting nothing in return… except maybe guys who are a little too interested in us. If they show up on dates asking us about stuff they could only know about if they’d gone three years back on our Facebook profile, we’re not going to be impressed by their dedication, we’re probably going to be scared for our personal safety. Please no.


Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia