These Heart-Shaped Succulents Will Have You Falling In Love

All succulents are pretty adorable, which is why I own so many of them and write about them all the time on this website. There are so many varieties and colors and shapes and I just love them, especially since they don’t require much effort on my part but make my living space so much brighter and livelier. My newest mission? Adding these heart-shaped succulents to my collection. Excuse the pun, but I’m in love with them!

  1. Their scientific name is Conophytum bilobum. I can’t even pronounce that and I’m not going to try, especially since “heart succulent” is so much better and describes this little beauty so much better. The tiny stems grow in clusters that really do look like tiny heart shapes and it’s super cute.
  2. Again, they’re super easy to grow and care for. Heart succulents are like many others in their family: they don’t take much care and attention to continue to thrive and lend beauty to your garden/house/life. As long as they’re well-drained and not overwatered and they get some sunlight for a few hours a day, you’re golden.
  3. They even have adorable little yellow flowers! Unlike many succulents which never flower, heart succulents do indeed sprout little yellow flowers that make them even more precious. The flowers usually sprout in the fall and winter, so keep your eyes peeled. Ugh, I can’t bear how cute these are.
  4. They’ll make a beautiful addition to your current collection. If you already own a ton of succulents, adding in some heart-shaped ones will only serve to add a little extra variety and a whole lot of love to your garden. You can keep these indoors or out, but wherever they end up, I guarantee you that seeing them will be a highlight of your day. How could it not be?

Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia