How To Get A Guy To Like You Over Text

Textual chemistry is where it’s at. It’s something you definitely want to have with a guy early on in your relationship, especially since texting is the primary mode of communication, especially right now. It shows that you’ve got an awesome connection and sets the scene for real-life chemistry. Here’s how to be the woman he wants via text.

  1. Ask real questions. Sharing a funny meme with him is cool, but you want to go deeper. Ask him real questions about his life and what he’s about so that you can connect on a more genuine level. Be the woman who isn’t afraid to go deep and make him think!
  2. Show him you have a life. He asks you what you’re doing on the weekend and you say “Nothing” in the hope that he’ll ask you out. Don’t do it! It’s much more attractive to show the guy you have a life and he’ll have to work a little harder to fit into your schedule. You’re not just waiting around for him.
  3. Go in with a plan. If you want to chat to him, don’t just text him “hi” and see what happens. It can make him think that you’re just texting him out of boredom and it’s likely that he won’t feel the need to respond right away. Before texting him, think about what you want to achieve from the conversation. Do you want to invite him out? Do you want to find out more about his life? Having this plan in place will help you to make your messages much more interesting and to the point.
  4. Let him miss you. You love texting him and have such fun conversations, but that doesn’t mean you should always be the one who’s initiating conversations. Let him miss you a bit and come to you. It shows that you’re on his mind and he feels like something’s missing when you’re not around, which is what you want to help you bond with him.
  5. Avoid too many emojis. While they’re fun and can take the pressure off trying to find the right words, using too many emojis can come across as childish or just plain confusing. What is it you’re really saying?! You can’t connect with someone in the right way by relying on winky faces to get your message across.
  6. Bring up past jokes. There’s nothing better than having a belly laugh with someone. Humor is a fantastic way to bond, so it’s a good idea to add some previous jokes that you guys have laughed about before to your text convos. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it, but a throwback to a previous joke can be a great way to make you feel closer.
  7. Get your flirt on. Flirting via text can help to keep things interesting and it shows that you’re interested without you having to spell it out to the guy. Try to add some wittiness to your flirts so that you don’t come across as being desperate. If you want to invite him out, text him something like, “Join me for a run if you’re into it? Just be warned: you won’t be able to catch me.”
  8. Chat about what he likes. If you saw on his Facebook timeline that he’s into a certain Netflix show or Stephen King books, mention something about his interests. Everyone loves to talk about what they’re interested in, so this is a good way to keep the textual chemistry going.
  9. Keep him guessing. You don’t want to give him TMI in your texts. That can make things become stale really quickly because he’ll feel like he knows every little thing about you. When he asks you questions, keep them short and sweet, and a bit flirty at times. Let him have to ask you other questions to find out more about you, as this is more intriguing. Give him breadcrumbs, not the entire loaf!
  10. Take it off your phone. Yeah, chatting via text is awesome, but it’s no fun if you’re always texting each other but never seeing each other in real life. You need RL dates to really fire up that connection. So, if it’s been a while of texting daily, try hinting at a date and see what happens. He’ll love the textual chemistry you’ve got going and will probably be keen. If not, it’s his loss.
Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.