Plus-Size Woman Says Being Fat Doesn’t Mean She Has To Settle For Mediocre Men

A plus-size woman has insisted that she won’t lower her standards in love and relationships simply because of her size. Teacher Megan Fisher, 29, worked hard to feel comfortable in her own skin and while others may judge her appearance, she’s confident that she deserves more than just a mediocre guy. Good for her!

  1. Megan tried everything to lose weight. Throughout her teens and early 20s, Megan says she went to great lengths to try and slim down, doing everything from the Atkins, keto, and paleo diets to even trying to starve herself to hopefully drop weight. Nothing was working and she felt miserable and knew she needed to make a change.
  2. Just before she was due to get a gastric bypass, she discovered body positivity. Inspired by the likes of Tess Holliday and other women in the body positivity movement and realized that there was nothing wrong with her the way she was. Being 300 pounds had nothing to do with her worth and she was tired of feeling like it did. “I never had plus-size role models in my life growing up… I never had someone who was plus-size who was so successful saying, ‘your current body is not only fine, you can celebrate it. Celebrate you,’ and Tess did that for me,” she explained. “Knowing how much Tess has helped me with my journey made me realize that if I post pictures of myself normalizing things society says fat girls can’t do like wearing a bikini [and] dating attractive men… My goal is to be the role model I needed when I was younger.”
  3. Moving to New York changed Megan’s life. Megan decided to leave her boyfriend and job behind and move to New York for a fresh start. It changed everything! “As a plus-size woman, life in New York has been a complete turnaround from how things were in the past. My life before I moved to NYC could be described as dull. I was unmotivated to make any changes in my life, mostly due to fear, and therefore very unhappy,” she said. “I was in a miserable job as a bank cashier making low wages. I was living with a boyfriend in a relationship that was not right for me. I was unhappy with my body because I did not know what happiness even was.”
  4. The more she began to love herself, the happier she became. Megan continued, “I would never have worn a bikini until I moved to New York and found my new mindset of self-love. In high school, I was so self-conscious of my body and truly believed I would never be able to have a boyfriend until I lost weight. I was too afraid to talk to guys in high school because of how I felt about my body at that time.”
  5. Some men seem to think she’ll settle for anything but they’re wrong. Megan is regularly messaged by guys on social media, where she actively posts selfies and other pictures of herself living her best life. Unfortunately, not all of them are up to par but seem to think that she owes them something because of her size. “I think some men believe they can message fat girls and that we are obligated to talk to them just because they’re giving us attention, but they are so wrong,” she insisted. “Fat women do not have to settle for any man, we have plenty of amazing options.” Too true!
  6. Some people may not get it, but Megan doesn’t care. As she so eloquently puts it, “If it makes you happy, then go for it. You truly cannot make everyone happy, even if you’re wearing a large paper bag hiding all of your curves, so why not wear something that makes you feel amazing?” Good advice all around. You can follow Megan on Instagram here.

Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia