Woman Saves Up All Her Dog’s Excess Fur To Make An Incredible Pair Of Cozy Winter Boots

As a dog owner, I know just how much our little four-legged friends can shed – I own about a dozen lint rollers at any one time because of it! And while most people would just throw away all that excess fluff, one woman has decided to put it to good use. She saved up all the hair shed by her Samoyed named Nimbus and turned it into an incredible pair of boots. How cool is this?!

  1. Nimbus’ owner, Soleil Pond, wanted a keepsake from her pup. She didn’t particularly know what she was going to do with all that fur at first, but after realizing just how much of it she’d collected, she was suddenly inspired: footwear! Thankfully, she had a crafty friend around who could pull the project together.
  2. Creating boots made out of dog fur is no easy task. In fact, Soleil revealed in a Facebook post that each boot took the maker 24 hours to complete – that’s two whole days for a pair of boots! These things truly are a memorable and love-filled keepsake.
  3. The finished product is beyond impressive. Not only do the dog fur boots look amazing, complete with dog paw print on the back, but they’re also functional too. Soleil said in her post that the boots offer “resistance to cold damage” and that whoever wears them will be able to “tolerate temperatures as low as -40°F.” That’s pretty impressive!
  4. It’s unlikely Soleil will wear them outside too often. You would think something so precious like this would be something you’d want to save and keep as pristine as possible. Wearing them outdoors is a quick way to wear them out, as it’s unclear how strong they are or how much inclement weather they could withstand. However, they are truly gorgeous and something she’ll no doubt treasure forever.

dog fur boots

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