Woman Tells Every Date That It’s Her Birthday To See If They’ll Do Something Special

A woman on TikTok has revealed that she tells every guy she goes on a date with that it’s her birthday to see if they do something special. The user, who posts under @roxyyroxie, shared her tip in a clip that now has millions of views.

  1. She starts planting the seed early. As the woman explained, she doesn’t just turn up on a date and say it’s her birthday. The plan is actually put into action a week prior. “When I start talking to a guy – like, the first date – I tell him my birthday’s in a week and then I change the subject, so I know they’re going to ask me out again to hang,” she explained. “When they do, I say, ‘Oh, it’s my birthday week, remember? But honestly, I had such a good time with you and you’re so special.'”
  2. Men tend to go all out for their date. She claims that since these men believe she’s spending her birthday with them, they up their game and treat her like a total queen. “I make them feel so special, like we had an amazing time and that I’m down to hang out, so when they hang out with me they think they gotta do something big,” she added. “They’ll take me to five-star restaurants, we’ll go out eating all night, go to the clubs, he will buy me nice stuff because it’s my birthday. I would have, like, a hundred birthdays each f–king year. It’s cool, it’s amazing, I like it.”
  3. Plenty of women think it’s a great idea. Other single women applauded her for her forward thinking. “This is the best thing I’ve heard in a long time,” one commenter said. Another added: “Thank you babe for sure using for future reference.” A third said: “Okay I saw it now, delete it before the guys see.”
  4. Others pointed out how easily the plan will backfire. Should she end up with someone long-term, the guy would obviously find out her real birthday in the end. “But what if y’all end up together and now you gotta spend the rest of your life pretending your bday is in July,” one person pointed out. “What if things actually get serious and then you have to lie about your birthday for the rest of your life,” another asked. The woman never did say how she planned to get out of that or if she’d even thought of it before.
Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia