Women Share The Things They Find Most Confusing About Men

The idea that men and women are from two different planets is old and pretty cliche by now, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things the two sexes just can’t comprehend about one another. Over on Reddit, women have been sharing the things they find most confusing about men, and to be honest, I’m pretty sure most of us can relate to these…

  1. Not looking after their health Why is it that so many guys neglect seeing medical professionals unless forced? U/macaronsforeveryone admits that she really doesn’t get “why some men don’t go to the doctor or dentist unless someone else makes the appointment for them.”
  2. Being oblivious to mess around the house As u/babygem84 points out, she’s confused by men’s blissful ignorance when it comes to household chores. “You can be completely oblivious to any mess in the house but can spot a wall has been brush painted in the wrong direction from 20ft away,” she wrote.
  3. Where they keep all that junk Given that people with vaginas are very… compact, many of us find men’s bait and tackle somewhat perplexing. “How the d–ks and balls are stored in the underwear,” u/CtrlValCanc so elegantly put it.
  4. Being smart one minute, dumb the next U/theblissybliss wonders how men can be experts at everything one minute and then suddenly know nothing about anything. “When they behave as the smartest man in the world and five minutes later as the village idiot,” she finds it confusing.
  5. Those lashes, though A question on many women’s minds and shared by u/Horny_Mandrake: “Why do men always have the prettiest and longest lashes?” Seriously, why?! Women pay good money for the same thing many of them have naturally. It’s not fair!
  6. Shelling out cash for sex So many men are subscribed to porn sites and the likes of OnlyFans, but u/FML012e wonders why considering there’s plenty of that stuff out there that you don’t have to pay for. “Men that are willing to pay a lot of money just for pictures of feet or boobs when porn can be free” are something she just doesn’t get.
  7. The ability to literally think about nothing Generally speaking, women’s minds are always going a mile a minute, even when we have time to ourselves. That’s not the case for guys. “When my boyfriend is quiet for too long and I ask him what he’s thinking about, and he says simply, ‘nothing’ and shrugs. This happens at least twice a month,” u/devilcheeeks shares. “What … what do you mean … nothing???? You can actively sit there and just wipe your brain clean??? No buzz buzz?? Just elevator music behind the eyes??? What kind of f–king superpower is that and where do I sign up??”
  8. Their abundance of forgiveness U/Full_Nebula_4443 admits she’s baffled by how rare it is for men to hold grudges in comparison to women. “I find it confusing how men are so forgiving. It’s one of the things I adore the most about men and find the most baffling. I’m learning now that men will get over things like 40 minutes after they happen and genuinely get frustrated and sad when their girls hold grudges. I’ve found that the people I’ve had falling outs with and was able to rekindle my friendships with were mostly all men,” she writes. “I also find it weird how men will fight each other and then be best friends the next day.”
  9. Their love of sending d–k pics Why do they send them and why do they think we want them? That’s the question on u/lesbomommy’s mind. “I still don’t understand d–k pics. Do they really think we look at a picture of a d–k, in terrible lighting, sweaty, untrimmed pubes, with your 10-year-old briefs and gym shorts pulled down and go… ‘oh yeah, this is it. I’m glad I didn’t ask for this. The surprise during a fun conversation is so much better.'”
  10. The length of their trips to the toilet For most people, we want to get in and get out after doing our business. Not men, and u/Confident-Dog537 wants to know “why pooping takes so long.” Seriously, what are they doing in there for so long? Maybe we don’t actually want the answer to that…
  11. Those little holes in their underwear U/27jm gets that they’re to put men’s junk through so they can use the toilet, but she’s still not having it. “Is it truly more efficient to maneuver it through a hole in your boxers than to just pull your pants down a little in the front? Is it a modesty thing for public? PLEASE enlighten me,” she begs.
  12. Why it takes them so long to mature It’d be nice to find a great guy in your 20s or 30s, but according to u/norvusabutdis, that’s pretty rare. “How is it that I know so many older level headed men who have good values, passion for their work and opinions and they aren’t afraid of expressing themselves, the way they speak about their wives and families makes me want to go back into dating, but when I look at men my age, suddenly most of them are dodgy, scared of commitment and scared of having and expressing their opinions,” she writes. “I don’t want to date men who are 50-60 but I’m so envious of their wives for finding such good men to spend their lives with.” Ugh, the struggle is real.
Jennifer Still is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience. The managing editor of Bolde, she has bylines in Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The New York Times, Glamour, Bon Appetit, and many more. You can follow her on Twitter @jenniferlstill