Is He The One? 26 Important Signs To Know For Sure

You’ve been in a relationship with a guy for a while now, and you’re incredibly happy. Things have never gone so well with someone before and you feel pretty certain that he’s The One. However, you’re just not quite sure. You don’t want to jump the gun and convince yourself that he’s your person, but you’re also keen to lock this thing down if your instincts are right.

While you should definitely trust your gut, if you do want some more concrete signs he’s “The One,” see how many of the below you relate to — they’ll tell you everything you need to know.

How to know if he’s “The One”

1.You have a deep emotional connection that surpasses any that you’ve experienced with anyone else.

A deep emotional connection goes beyond the initial stages of infatuation and attraction. It’s about understanding one another on a profound level, sharing vulnerabilities, fears, joys, and aspirations. When you both connect emotionally, conversations feel effortless, ranging from light-hearted banter to in-depth discussions about personal beliefs and dreams.

You feel that he truly understands your essence, and you can sense his emotional depths too. This level of understanding creates a unique bond, making the relationship feel special and different from others you might have experienced.

2. You truly respect each other as people.

In a healthy relationship, respect is foundational. It means valuing each other’s opinions and decisions, even if they differ from your own. For instance, when you voice an opinion or make a choice, he doesn’t belittle or mock you but instead engages in constructive discussions.

Respect also manifests in how he treats you in public and in private, ensuring he never diminishes your worth. And even in disagreements, which are natural in any relationship, he approaches the situation without crossing boundaries or resorting to hurtful comments, always ensuring that your dignity and feelings are upheld.

3. He’s your biggest cheerleader and number one fan.

Support is more than just being there for each other; it’s about actively uplifting and encouraging one another. When you have aspirations or challenges, he is there as your biggest cheerleader, bolstering your confidence and offering help. His support isn’t just limited to grand gestures or significant life events. It extends to everyday life too. For instance, when you’re feeling down or facing a tough day at work, he is there, offering comforting words, listening patiently, or even just being present as a calming influence, reinforcing the belief that you’re not alone.

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5. You have the same values.

Having shared values is like having a compass guiding your relationship. These values encompass your beliefs about life, aspirations, moral standards, and even daily habits. Whether it’s how you both approach family, your attitudes towards finances, or views on personal growth, these shared values form the bedrock of understanding between the two of you.

While couples can have individual interests and opinions, it’s these fundamental beliefs that ensure you’re both walking in the same direction. A relationship built on shared values has a better chance of navigating challenges as both partners understand and prioritize what truly matters.

6. You can perfectly envision your future with him.

When you’re with the right person, the future isn’t a vague, abstract concept but rather a shared journey you both look forward to. It’s not just about making casual plans but genuinely envisioning a life together. This includes discussing and aligning on significant decisions like marriage, children, career paths, or where you’ll live.

Open conversations about the future signify commitment and a genuine desire to build a lasting relationship. It’s reassuring to know that he sees you as an integral part of his future, and you feel the same way, making planning and dreaming together an exciting prospect.

7. He loves celebrating your personal wins and growth.

In a relationship, it’s easy to become deeply intertwined with each other’s lives, often forgetting individual aspirations. But with the right person, your personal growth is not just acknowledged—it’s celebrated.

He takes note when you push your boundaries, whether it’s by taking up a new hobby or confronting a long-held fear. And when you achieve something, no matter how trivial it might seem to others, he acknowledges it, making you feel seen and cherished. This isn’t about grand accomplishments; it’s about valuing the small steps each of you takes in personal evolution.

8. He loves hearing even your most trivial stories.

Everyone has stories—little snippets of their day, random observations, or amusing incidents. With him, these aren’t just casual chatter; they’re moments he genuinely enjoys hearing about. It might be a quirky encounter you had at the grocery store or a childhood memory that suddenly resurfaced.

When he actively listens and engages in these tales, it shows that he values your experiences and perspectives. It’s not always about sharing profound insights or monumental news; sometimes, it’s the mundane anecdotes that foster closeness.

9. He goes out of his way to learn more about you and adapt to become a better partner.

In every relationship, there are bound to be unfamiliar territories, be it cultural differences, varied backgrounds, or even something as simple as a hobby you don’t share. The key lies in how he approaches these differences. Instead of dismissing or ridiculing what he doesn’t understand, he takes the time to learn and adapt.

For instance, he might not know your favorite author or the music genre you love, but he’ll make an effort to familiarize himself with them—not because he feels obligated but because he’s genuinely interested in understanding what makes you tick.

10. He remembers all the small details about you.

While anniversaries and birthdays are essential, sometimes it’s the smaller details that truly make the difference. He remembers that random side comments you made about your favorite candy as a kid or how you once mentioned you don’t like the color yellow.

These details might seem insignificant, but by recalling them, he showcases that he’s genuinely attentive and values the little intricacies that make you unique. It’s these small gestures, like surprising you with that specific book you said you wanted to read or avoiding that one ingredient in dishes, that demonstrate a deeper level of care.

11. He’s incredibly flexible when unexpected things crop up.

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes, plans go awry, and things don’t pan out as expected. Whether it’s a sudden work commitment, a change in weekend plans, or even a shift in life goals, he understands and remains flexible. Instead of getting frustrated or disappointed, he approaches changes with an open mind, always ready to adapt and find a middle ground.

This isn’t about being passive; it’s about understanding that rigidity can strain a relationship. By being adaptable, he signifies that the relationship’s well-being is more crucial than sticking strictly to plans.

12. Your silences are never uncomfortable.

Sometimes, words aren’t necessary. There are moments in life when all you need is the comforting presence of another. Whether it’s after a long day, during moments of anxiety, or even when watching a movie together, you both are comfortable sharing silence without it feeling awkward.

He understands that communication isn’t always about talking; often, it’s about just being there, offering a reassuring touch or simply sitting side by side. This silent bond reflects a deeper understanding, where both of you respect the need for quiet introspection and shared moments of peace.

13. You both have your own lives outside of the relationship to maintain balance.

While spending time together is wonderful, it’s equally essential to have your own space and interests. With him, you never feel tethered or overly dependent. He encourages you to have experiences outside the relationship—be it with your circle of friends, pursuing a solo hobby, or even traveling alone.

It’s not about being separate but about understanding that a relationship comprises two individuals. By fostering balanced independence, he’s not only showing trust but also ensuring that both of you continue to grow as individuals.

14. You feel like equal partners — you don’t have to do it all.

In a relationship, it’s the daily tasks and challenges that truly test compatibility. Whether it’s household chores, managing finances, or planning vacations, he doesn’t leave all responsibilities on your shoulders. Instead, you both find a rhythm, dividing tasks based on preferences and strengths.

It’s not always a 50-50 split; sometimes, it might be 70-30 or even 90-10, depending on the situation. But the essence lies in the mutual understanding that both of you are partners, sharing the load in both big and small ways.

15. He’s always empathetic.

It’s easy to offer sympathy, but empathy requires delving deeper, trying to understand and feel another’s emotions. When you’re going through tough times, he doesn’t just offer a shoulder to lean on; he genuinely attempts to understand your feelings, placing himself in your shoes.

This active empathy ensures that you always feel validated and understood. It’s not just about offering solutions but about showing genuine care, concern, and a readiness to navigate challenges together.

16. He’s a man of integrity and that never wavers.

Trust isn’t just built through grand gestures but through consistent actions that showcase integrity. He sticks to his commitments, is honest even when it’s uncomfortable, and showcases a clear moral compass. His actions, both within the relationship and outside, reflect a person of character. You never find yourself doubting his words or second-guessing his actions because he has consistently demonstrated his reliability and authenticity. This unwavering integrity lays a solid foundation for a lasting, trust-filled relationship.

16. No one makes you laugh more than him.

You both find joy in the simplest things and share a sense of humor. Whether it’s laughing at a shared inside joke, a comedic movie, or even a random meme, these moments of laughter come effortlessly.

It doesn’t mean every day is filled with hilarity, but even on tough days, he manages to draw a smile from you. This shared laughter not only lightens the mood but also creates cherished memories and helps in overcoming challenges with a positive spirit.

18. Your friends and family notice how happy he makes you.

Sometimes, those who are close to you can see things that might not be immediately apparent to you. If your friends and family comment on the positive change in you or how well you both seem together, it’s a good sign — and one of the biggest signs that he’s the one.

They might notice the way he looks at you, how he respects you in conversations, or simply how happy you seem around him. While external opinions shouldn’t be the only deciding factor, it can be affirming when loved ones see the bond you share.

19. He’s always showing spontaneous acts of kindness.

He might surprise you with your favorite snack after a long day or leave you a sweet note just because. These aren’t grand, orchestrated gestures but small, spontaneous acts that show he’s thinking of you.

It’s the coffee he brews for you in the morning or the way he saves you the last piece of dessert. These little acts of kindness, done without expecting anything in return, show that he genuinely cares for your happiness.

20. He’s your go-to person for everything.

Whether it’s good news, a random observation, or a challenge you’re facing, he’s the first person you think of sharing it with. It’s not out of obligation but a genuine desire to include him in various aspects of your life. And it goes both ways.

He shares his day with you, asks for your opinion, and values the feedback you provide, reinforcing that you are an integral part of each other’s lives.

21. You’re the perfect problem-tackling team.

When issues arise, as they inevitably do, he doesn’t avoid or sidestep them. Instead, he’s ready to sit down and tackle them head-on with you. Whether it’s a misunderstanding between you two, a leaky faucet, or planning a tricky vacation itinerary, he approaches problems as something you both can solve together. This teamwork mentality ensures that neither of you feels alone in challenges, reinforcing the partnership you share.

22. He finds your strange quirks adorable rather than annoying.

We all have our quirks and pet peeves. Maybe it’s the way you like your shoes lined up or your dislike for a certain food texture. He doesn’t just know them but respects them. He might tease you playfully once in a while, but he never uses them against you or belittles you for them.

It’s not about walking on eggshells, but about showing consideration in the little things that matter to you.

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23. He makes the perfect TV-watching buddy.

It might sound trivial, but finding someone who’s willing to dive into your favorite shows and movies with you can be a sign of compatibility. Whether it’s a love for sci-fi series, reality TV, or vintage classics, he’s up for the challenge, even if it’s not his favorite.

And the best part? Those shared moments of suspense, laughter, and discussion post-episode. It’s about finding joy in shared experiences, no matter how simple they might be.

24. He pulls his weight around the house.

In a world filled with commitments and chores, he doesn’t leave you to handle household tasks alone. Whether it’s cooking, cleaning, or grocery shopping, he’s right there beside you. While this may seem like a little thing, if he’s the one and you’re going to spend forever together, you don’t want to feel like you’re doing everything.

There are no defined “your tasks” and “his tasks”—you both pitch in wherever needed. It’s about sharing responsibilities, ensuring that the burden doesn’t fall on one person. Plus, doing chores together can even turn into fun bonding time!

25. You have as much fun with him running errands as you do on road trips.

Sure, romantic getaways are fantastic, but there’s something to be said about the guy who makes even a trip to the grocery store fun. Whether it’s singing along to the radio during road trips, making jokes in the grocery aisle, or finding ways to entertain each other while waiting in a queue, he makes mundane tasks memorable.

These everyday adventures become cherished moments, proving that it’s not just about the big gestures but also about finding joy in the ordinary.

26. He remembers the stories you tell him.

You might’ve told him about that embarrassing moment from fifth grade or the time you won a local competition. Not only does he listen, but he also remembers. It might come up in future conversations or jokes, but the point is, he pays attention.

It’s not just about the major life events but also the little anecdotes you share. This attentive nature shows that he values your experiences and the stories you bring into the relationship.

27. You find comfort in him in the smallest possible moments.

While date nights and special occasions have their charm, there’s something special about those casual, unscripted moments you share. It could be a lazy Sunday morning where you both lounge in pajamas, a casual walk around the neighborhood, or cooking a random recipe together on a weeknight.

These moments might not make it to social media or be brag-worthy, but they hold a unique charm. With him, you find comfort and happiness in these simple, everyday moments, realizing that true connection doesn’t always require grandeur but can be found in the most ordinary circumstances.

What to do if you feel pretty sure he’s “The One”

So, you’ve got this feeling in your gut that he’s “the one,” huh? Awesome! First things first: take a deep breath. Realizing you’re with someone you can envision a long-term future with can be both exhilarating and a bit overwhelming. But here’s the deal: recognizing it is just the start; now it’s about figuring out what to do next.

Communication is key. Sit down with him and talk about it. Yeah, I know, it might sound a bit daunting, but being honest about your feelings is crucial. And hey, he might be feeling the same way! If he does, that’s fantastic – you’re both on the same page. If he’s not there yet, that’s okay too. Everyone’s timeline is different.

Take things at your own pace. There’s no universal playbook for this. Just because you’re sure doesn’t mean you have to rush into anything – whether that’s moving in together, getting engaged, or any other significant life step. Enjoy the process and the journey of building your connection even deeper.

Remember to keep living your life. While it’s fantastic that you see him as your potential forever person, ensure you’re still pursuing your interests, hanging out with your pals, and just doing you. A solid relationship is made of two individuals who complement each other, not complete each other.

Lastly, trust your instincts. You’ve gotten this far in life trusting them, so don’t doubt yourself now. If he feels like “the one,” there’s a good chance he just might be.

Jennifer Still is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience. The managing editor of Bolde, she has bylines in Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The New York Times, Glamour, Bon Appetit, and many more. You can follow her on Twitter @jenniferlstill