11 Signs You Made A Big Mistake Breaking Up With Someone

It was so difficult to break up with your partner, and it took a lot of willpower. But now, it’s been weeks and you still can’t seem to get over them. You’re stressing that you made the wrong decision to walk away from them, and not sure what to do. Okay, but wait, should you regret leaving them, or should you move on with your life and find happiness elsewhere? Here are 11 signs you made a big mistake by breaking up with someone and it’s time to make things right.

1. You’re Stuck In Nostalgia.

You can’t help but think of your ex every day. Whenever they come to mind, you feel good. You don’t remember the bad times, perhaps because the good times totally outweighed them. You might even get tearful, thinking about all the amazing memories you made together, and you can’t seem to shake off the longing for your ex.

2. You’re Always Checking Them Out On Social Media.

You might be looking up their Meta or IG profiles daily, but not because you want to check if they’re dating someone new or because you want to remind yourself of how toxic they were. Instead, you’re remembering the good times you shared or looking at them and wishing you could summon the courage to chat to them again. Maybe you even laugh at their funny posts, and wish you could laugh with them.

3. Your Ex Is On A Boyfriend Pedestal.

Gorgeous man and woman staring into each other's eyes

Nothing seems to come close to the connection you shared with your ex. No matter how much you try to get back out into the dating game and find someone, you always think of your ex. You measure other people against them, and you know what? They always fall short.

4. You Legit Miss Them.

It’s easy to miss your ex or previous relationship after a breakup, but you can navigate around the emptiness left behind in your life because you’re focused on your future. However, if you feel empty because your ex isn’t around, and nothing feels good without them present, maybe what you’re feeling is a sign that you shouldn’t have left.

5. You Talk About Your Ex Daily.

Your friends usually give each other concerned looks when you talk about your ex because you seem to do it all the time, even though it’s been weeks or months since your breakup. And, everything you say about them is positive. You just can’t get them out of your mind.

6. You Feel Anxious That You Left.

It’s common to second-guess yourself after a breakup, but if those anxious feelings won’t go away, you have to wonder if they’re trying to tell you something. Maybe it wasn’t best for you to end things with your ex, and it’s haunting you. So, stay in tune with those feelings that stick around and see where they lead.

7.  You Dream Of Getting Back Together.

Maybe you dream of your ex when you’re asleep, and the dreams are usually about you and your ex getting back together. Or, maybe you daydream of them when you’re awake, and you fill your mind with positive visualizations of a happy relationship sequel. You could be trying to attract them back into your life.

8. You Still Feel A Spark.

Even though you broke up with your ex, the flames haven’t been blown out. You still feel a spark whenever you think of them. At the thought of reconnecting with them and spending time together again, you feel butterflies in your stomach and your heart races. You can’t deny that you’re still falling hard for this person.

9. You Followed Other People’s Advice.

One of the biggest reasons why you might regret your decision to end your previous relationship is that you allowed yourself to listen to what other people said. Maybe your friends never liked your ex and they encouraged you to break up with them. No wonder you feel like ending things was a huge mistake!

10. You Could Be Friends With Them.

Even though you parted ways, you could easily be friends with your ex. There wasn’t anything that happened in the relationship that would cause you to struggle to trust them again, and you don’t feel rushes of anger when remembering their behavior. They would make an amazing friend, and that makes you love them more.

11. You Know They Still Have Feelings For You.

Maybe you’ve heard from mutual friends that your ex still has feelings for you, or you can see it in your interactions with them. They seem to mirror the feelings you have for them, and this makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. What are you waiting for? Maybe it’s time to try to get them back so you can stop beating yourself up for leaving! Who knows? A relationship sequel could be on the cards…

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.