16 People Who Bring The Drama And How to Dodge Them

16 People Who Bring The Drama And How to Dodge Them

We all have that one friend, coworker, or family member who makes a mountain out of every molehill. Their lives are a never-ending soap opera, and somehow, you always end up getting dragged into the plot. If you’re ready to reclaim your peace, keep reading for tips on how to sidestep the drama these people inevitably bring.

1. The Constant Victim

You’re not a therapist, and it’s not your job to fix anyone. When a friend’s complaints feel endless, a simple “Hey, let’s talk about something brighter” can work wonders. Be firm – their negativity doesn’t have to become yours.

2. The Gossip

Happy young woman talking on mobile phone and enjoying coffee drink in a coffee shop

This drama lover is constantly spreading rumors and sharing private details about other people that are better left unsaid. Not only is it disrespectful to gossip about people, it also breeds distrust and damages relationships. To dodge the drama, refuse to participate in spreading rumors yourself or validating what they say about people who aren’t even around. You could also gently change topics to something more constructive if gossiping starts.

3. The Attention-Seeker

This person will do almost anything to be in the spotlight, even creating melodramatic situations or problems to attract attention. While giving people attention is fine, don’t take the bait or reward attention-seeking behavior with an over-the-top reaction, as this only reinforces the drama. The best approach is to remain calm, keep your responses low-key, and shift conversation topics if they seem intent on hijacking it for attention purposes.

4. The Meddler

This person inserts themselves into other people’s personal or professional affairs without being asked, often making problems or conflicts worse through their involvement. To avoid buying into their drama, don’t share private stuff or vent to them about your relationships or issues, especially since this information may be used against you or other people later on. Keep your convos on a need-to-know basis only.

5. The Complainer

Some complain constantly about every small annoyance or inconvenience in their life, which can bring down the vibe of any situation and is a major conversational red flag. Make an excuse to politely disengage if they launch into lengthy complaints by redirecting to more positive or constructive discussion topics that don’t encourage dwelling on negatives. You could also excuse yourself if they seem stuck in complaint mode.

6. The Instigator

couple in argument sitting back to back on couch

This drama-loving person enjoys stirring up trouble between other people or provoking arguments. Engaging with their attempts to start fights or taking sides in conflicts they create only fuels the drama. Instead, remain neutral and refuse to participate in their manipulative games. Focus on maintaining healthy relationships and avoid getting caught up in unnecessary conflicts.

7. The Oversharer

Female friends in casual wearing chatting with each other while sitting on sofa and drinking coffee in cozy living room at home

>This person shares too much unnecessary personal information too soon, which ends up making people really uncomfortable. If a conversation veers into overly personal territory before a relationship is established, gently change the topic to something more neutral. Setting boundaries and maintaining a level of privacy is important for avoiding unnecessary drama.

8. The One-Upper

two male friends talking at restaurant

This person always has a story that “tops” what you say and one-ups any experience you relate. Engaging in a contest of one-upmanship only leads to more drama and tension. Instead, redirect the focus back to other people in the conversation and show genuine interest in their experiences. Encourage a supportive and collaborative atmosphere rather than a competitive one.

9. The Pessimist

Constantly negative about everything, this person spreads a gloomy vibe that can bring down the mood of any gathering. While it’s important to acknowledge and validate their feelings, don’t get dragged down by their outlook. Redirect the conversation to more positive or neutral topics, and encourage a more balanced perspective.

10. The Hothead

Mature married couple fighting, blaming and accusing each other, having relationship problem at home. Middle-aged man and his wife on verge of divorce or separation, arguing indoorsistock

Quick to anger and yell about small frustrations, this person brings volatility to any situation. It’s important to remove yourself from situations before they escalate by making a calm exit if yelling starts. Avoid engaging in arguments or fueling their anger. Instead, focus on maintaining your own emotional well-being and surrounding yourself with more positive influences.

11. The Flake

This person often cancels plans last minute or fails to follow through on commitments, causing frustration and disappointment. To avoid getting caught up in their drama, set clear boundaries and expectations from the beginning. Don’t rely too heavily on their promises or make important plans that depend solely on their participation. Keep your options open and be prepared to adapt if they flake out.

12. The Drama Queen/King

They thrive on creating and amplifying drama in their life and the lives of those around them. They often exaggerate situations and blow things out of proportion for attention. To avoid getting entangled in their web of drama, maintain a healthy distance and don’t take their exaggerated stories at face value. Focus on maintaining your own peace and surrounding yourself with more positive influences.

13. The Manipulator

This person uses subtle tactics to control and manipulate people for their own gain. They may twist situations, play mind games, or guilt-trip people into doing what they want. To dodge their manipulative behavior, educate yourself about manipulation techniques and set clear boundaries. Trust your instincts and don’t let them sway you into making decisions that go against your best interests.

14. The Martyr

sisters comforting one another

They constantly sacrifice their own needs and wants, often to gain sympathy or control people. They lay the guilt-trips on thick in an attempt to convince people to feel responsible for their happiness or well-being. To avoid being caught up in their drama, recognize that everyone is responsible for their own choices and emotions. Encourage them to take ownership of their decisions and seek healthier ways to address their needs.

15. The Drama Collector

Loving husband comforting his crying wife

This person seems to attract drama wherever they go and revels in sharing their chaotic experiences with other people. They may thrive on the attention and sympathy they receive. To avoid being drawn into their drama, make sure you maintain healthy boundaries and limit your involvement in their chaotic situations. Focus on maintaining your own peace and well-being.

16. The Energy Vampire

This person constantly drains the energy and positivity from those around them. They may be overly negative, critical, or constantly seeking validation and reassurance. To protect yourself from their draining influence, set clear boundaries and limit your exposure to their negativity. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who uplift and inspire you.

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Jeff graduated from NYU with a degree in Political Science and moved to Australia for a year before eventually settling back in Brooklyn with his yellow lab, Sunny, and his girlfriend, Mia. He works in IT during the day and writes at night. In the future, he hopes to publish his own novel.