A major breakthrough in cancer research has taken place, with all participants in a new drug trial having no signs of the disease at the end of their treatment. The new drug, Dostarlimab, is being tested for colorectal cancer patients and the results have absolutely floored doctors after returning a 100% success rate.
- There were 18 participants in the trial. All participants received Dostarlimab which uses lab-produced molecules that act as substitute antibodies to destroy cancer cells. One year after the drug trial, all participants were found to be in remission. PET scans, MRI scans, endoscopies, and other physical exams found not a trace of cancer remaining in their bodies.
- This is an incredible breakthrough for cancer research. Dr. Luis A. Diaz Jr. of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York remarked on the milestone, saying: “This is the first time this has happened in the history of cancer.” Diaz and his team published a paper on their findings in the New England Journal of Medicine this month.
- Complete remission after cancer treatment is “unheard of,” according to Dr. Alan P. Venook. Dr. Venook, a colorectal cancer specialist at the University of California, was not involved with the study but was flabbergasted at the success rate, especially since none of the patients on the drug experienced any serious complications or side effects from Dostarlimab.
- The patients involved in the study faced incredibly difficult journeys without the drugs. All 18 were due to face taxing treatments including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy but after the trial, no further action was needed. They were all cancer-free. This is incredible news and hopefully a sign of better and better things to come.