Being around people who always put you down can be draining and infuriating. If you allow their comments to get to you, you might feel like you’re not good enough because they really trash your self-confidence. Enough of that. The next time someone keeps putting you down, here are some things you can say back to them.
1. “Maybe you should work on yourself instead of trying to fix me.”
Dealing with someone who’s always putting you down can be draining. Sometimes, a good way to shut them down is to remind them that nobody’s perfect. Suggest that they worry about their own problems before focusing so much on yours. You’re perfectly capable of handling your own life.
2. “I’m canceling my subscription to your comments.”
This is a humorous way to exit a situation, if someone’s always being mean to you and you’ve had enough with trying to be polite to them. They don’t deserve it! Is it a bit cheesy? You bet. Is it still a good one to use? Obviously. It’s so ridiculous and flippant that the person will be stunned and not know what to say. Hopefully they never say anything at all to you again.
3. “Nope.”
Sometimes, saying “no” or “nope” is all that’s needed as a comeback when someone’s putting you down. You’re telling the person to stop, and the reason why is self-explanatory. Don’t entertain them with a proper conversation or a lecture on why they’re being inappropriate. Just shut it down right away.
4. Say nothing and laugh.
If you don’t have a comeback ready, you don’t have to panic. You can just laugh it off. It shows the person that you’re not putting up with their comments. In fact, you don’t take them seriously at all, and you think they’re pretty ridiculous.
5. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t speak to me.”
Someone who keeps nipping at you with their mean comments needs to know they can’t cross your boundaries. Tell them that you’d prefer if they didn’t speak to you, especially if they’re always bringing you down in front of other people to make you look bad.
6. “If you stopped putting me down, we’d actually have a real conversation for once.”
Sometimes, a person who’s bringing you down the whole time needs a reality check. Maybe you feel like you could have a stronger connection with them if they would cut down on the criticisms and be real. If they value your presence in their life, this could actually function as a wake-up call. It’s worth a try!
7. “Instead of being negative, why not help instead?”
Take the higher road with someone who keeps putting you down. Remind them that instead of trying to belittle you, they should be building you up or helping you. Not everything’s a competition!
8. “I’m sure you’d do much better than me.”
You want to take on an exciting new project at work or start a side hustle, and the person implies that you’re not the right person for it. Ouch. Don’t stand for it! Tell them, sarcastically, that they’d do a better job. See how they like that.
9. “Life’s too short to be mean.”
Another way in which you can take the high road with someone who’s bringing you down is to remind them that life’s way too short to be mean. Make them feel bad about how they’ve been treating you and remind them that they should be treating everyone with kindness.
10. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were such an expert.”
When you’re dealing with someone who’s a mansplainer or always seems to know it all, it’s incredibly frustrating. Use this comeback for them when they’re trying to lecture you again, so you stop them in their tracks.
11. “Do you realize how much you put others down?”
Of course the person who’s always putting you down knows what they’re doing, unless they completely lack awareness. However, it doesn’t hurt to ask them if they know how hurtful they’re being. On the off chance they don’t, they should really start paying more attention.
12. “If I had to treat you the way you treat me, you’d never speak to me again.”
The person who’s putting you down might not be empathetic, so this comeback can encourage them to think about what it’s like being on the receiving end of their annoying comments. If they’d put themselves in your shoes, they’d see just how terrible they’re being.
13. “Wow, aren’t you impressive?”
Being a bit sarcastic, such as by saying, “Oh, you’re impressive” when someone tells you what you should do or claims to know more than you, can help you to leave the conversation with your head held high.
14. “I don’t remember asking for your opinion.”
If someone interrupts you or tries to tell you what they think (unsolicited advice is the worst), this comeback can help you to make them stop. Make them realize that if you don’t ask them for what they think, they need to keep quiet and let you speak!
15. “Throwing shade doesn’t make you shine brighter, honey.”
Someone who wants to put you down all the time is clearly jealous of you and wants to be better than you. Don’t give them that satisfaction. Remind them that putting others down doesn’t make them any better.
16. “You always make me feel happy… when you leave.”
This is another great comeback for someone who’s super-mean and toxic. It’s worth dishing them this when you want them to get out of your life. Walk away with a laugh and know that they got burned!
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