Common Mistakes Men Make When Trying To Be “Manly” That Backfire

Common Mistakes Men Make When Trying To Be “Manly” That Backfire

The whole “macho man” image is so outdated, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t still far too many men who buy into it. Trying to jam yourself into that box is often a recipe for being miserable and alienating the people you care about. If you’ve fallen into these traps, you’re only hurting yourself.

1. Thinking Emotional = Weak

Bottling up your emotions isn’t some superpower; it’s like ignoring a flashing “check engine” light in your brain. Real strength comes from understanding and managing your feelings – it leads to way better relationships and less internal chaos. Plus, bottling stuff up can lead to some seriously unhealthy outbursts down the line. Remember, emotional intelligence is a sign of a sharp mind, not a weakness.

2. Believing the “Real Men Don’t Cry” Myth

Newsflash: Crying is totally human, regardless of gender! Stifling those tears is like trying to hold back a sneeze – unnatural and kind of pointless. Letting yourself experience a full range of emotions makes you more relatable and helps you process stuff in a healthy way. Shedding tears when you need to isn’t a flaw, it’s a human superpower.

3. Needing Help is a No-No

Handsome young man standing and posing in the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

That whole “rugged individualist” thing? Kinda unrealistic. Asking for help – with a broken-down car, an emotional struggle, whatever – shows you’ve got the wisdom to find the right tools for the job. Nobody can be an expert at literally everything, and knowing your limits is a smart move. Being resourceful enough to seek support is way more badass than stubbornly struggling alone.

4. Pretending to Be Mr. Fix-It, Even If You’re Clueless

Stubbornly fumbling around and potentially making things worse isn’t impressive. Be honest about your skills – there’s no shame in calling a pro or teaming up with someone who knows their stuff. Plus, asking for help can sometimes be its own icebreaker, who knows? And hey, learning new skills alongside someone is way more satisfying than botched DIY attempts.

5. Refusing to Go to the Doctor

hipster guy with glasses standing outside office

Trying to power through illness is about as smart as ignoring a flat tire. Your health is your most valuable tool, so don’t neglect it! Preventative care and addressing issues when they arise keeps you at your best for the long haul. Taking care of yourself isn’t just practical, it also shows those around you that your well-being is a priority.

6. Competing with People 24/7

men drinking alcohol at the pub

Constantly needing to one-up everyone is exhausting for you and those around you. Learn to celebrate other people’s wins – it shows way more confidence than feeling constantly threatened. Plus, fostering good vibes makes you way more fun to hang out with. Remember, building genuine connections is way more fulfilling than a never-ending race you can’t actually win.

7. Thinking Sensitivity is for Girls

sad guy texting on park bench

Being in tune with your own emotions and empathetic towards others makes you a better everything – partner, friend, dad, coworker… Seriously! Compassion isn’t some frivolous extra, it’s what makes genuine connection possible. Toss that outdated notion aside. Having the capacity for deep feeling makes you a more complete human, not less of a man.

8. Thinking You’re Too “Tough” For Love

black man holding smartphone

Nope! Showing affection to those you care about is a sign of a strong heart. Love and connection are some of the biggest motivators in life, so don’t be afraid to show your people that you’re all in. Vulnerability takes guts, and it’s way more appealing than a carefully constructed wall. Plus, healthy love gives you a rock-solid support system – the strongest people don’t go it alone.

9. Being Mr. “I’m Fine”

nerdy guys

This stoic facade might fool some people temporarily, but ultimately, refusing to open up creates distance. Real trust involves sharing the good AND the struggles. Plus, denying yourself a chance to vent or seek help when you need it just makes the problem heavier to carry alone. Being able to open up to trusted people makes you stronger, not weaker.

10. Confusing Aggression with Assertiveness

handsome guy smiling

Being able to stand your ground and advocate for yourself is important, but there’s a world of difference between that and being a walking temper tantrum. Learn to set boundaries calmly and firmly – it gets way better results in the long run. Picking fights unnecessarily just makes people avoid you. True strength lies in knowing how to use your words, not just your fists.

11. Equating Bragging = Confidence

Above view of depressed man, lying in bed and staring. Sad tired male waking up late in morning before starting the day early. Stressed exhausted young guy thinking about problems and difficulties

You know what’s actually confident? Quiet competence – letting your actions and achievements speak for themselves. Excessive boasting often comes off as insecure and annoying – let your skills and character shine through naturally. People who matter will take notice without all the showboating. Remember, true confidence radiates outward, it doesn’t need a loudspeaker.

12. Thinking Emotional Unavailability is Hot

guy sitting on couch in apartment

Games like playing hard-to-get or deliberately stonewalling are emotionally immature. Real connection thrives on openness and reciprocity, not this manipulative BS. Plus, who wants to constantly second-guess where they stand with someone? Being emotionally honest and responsive builds lasting relationships founded on trust and respect.

13. Judging Your Success Based On How Much Money You Have

Yes, money makes the world go round, but focusing solely on cash as your worth is shallow. Being a good, kind, interesting human being counts for way more in the long run. Don’t lose sight of what truly matters in the pursuit of dollar signs. A rich life is one filled with strong relationships and meaningful experiences, not just a fancy bank account.

14. Seeking Validation from Risky Behavior

Putting yourself in unnecessary danger to prove your toughness is, well, dumb. Real courage is making smart choices, knowing your limits, and facing your fears responsibly. Plus, the people who truly care about you want you to be SAFE, not reckless. Finding healthy ways to finding healthy ways to challenge yourself builds way more lasting self-respect than adrenaline-fueled stunts.

15. “Traditional” Gender Roles are Everything

Outdated expectations about who does the cooking, dishes, childcare, etc., do everyone a disservice. Real men share responsibilities at home, pitch in with whatever needs doing, and support their partners fully. It creates a strong sense of teamwork and makes for a much happier household.

16. Thinking Self-Care is for Wimps

Taking time to recharge, relax, and prioritize your well-being makes you better at everything you do. It’s NOT selfish, it’s smart. Whether that means hitting the gym, indulging in a hobby, or just taking some quiet time, recognizing your needs makes you more capable, not less.

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Jeff graduated from NYU with a degree in Political Science and moved to Australia for a year before eventually settling back in Brooklyn with his yellow lab, Sunny, and his girlfriend, Mia. He works in IT during the day and writes at night. In the future, he hopes to publish his own novel.