Lottery Winner Decides To Give Away More Than Half Of $145 Million Prize

Winning the lottery is something many of us dream of. After all, it’s incredible to imagine how much your life could change by winning a huge sum of money. However, it’s a pipe dream for most people, and that’s probably for the best. Lottery winners don’t end up being the happiest people, generally speaking. However, Frances Connelly wanted to change that, so when she found herself with lottery winnings totaling £115 million (about $145 million), she decided to put it to good use.

  1. Connelly won the EuroMillions jackpot back in 2019. The 55-year-old was a social worker and teacher at the time, and winning such a huge lump sum was mind-blowing. However, she and her husband Paddy, 57, had a plan for what they’d do with it.
  2. They knew immediately they wanted to give a lot of it away. Frances is said to be “addicted” to helping people, according to GB News. So, together, she and her husband set a budget for charity donations every year through 2032. In total, they’ll end up giving more than half of their $145 million winnings away to good causes.
  3. Frances Connelly and Paddy set up two separate foundations. One was named after Frances’ mother, Kathleen Graham, and the other is called the PFC Trust and is based in Hartlepool, England. The foundations support everyone from the elderly to refugees and young caregivers.
  4. She doesn’t track the donations she’s made. In addition to the money she’s given to charity since her win, she also made sure her closest friends and family members were well taken care of. While she’s estimated to have given away more than $75 million, she says that she doesn’t keep track of just how much is going out. She’s just happy she can help.
  5. Frances has always wanted to help people. She was doing so even before she won the lottery. She used to volunteer her time and service to various organizations in need, and she also donated what money she did have at the time. She started helping out at only 9 by volunteering for the St. John’s Ambulance and even worked at an AIDS helpline while in school in Ireland.
  6. The most expensive thing Frances and Paddy have bought is their home. However, they’re not living in a mansion. Instead, they invested in a six-bedroom home in County Durham that sits on seven acres of land. Paddy still drives a second-hand car and runs his own business — that’s how normal they want their lives to remain!
  7. We could all use more people like Frances and Paddy Connelly in the world. While it’s nice to think about being rich, the Connellys clearly know that money doesn’t buy happiness. Instead, the thrill you get from helping those in need means more than buying expensive clothes or cars ever could.

Jennifer Still is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience. The managing editor of Bolde, she has bylines in Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The New York Times, Glamour, Bon Appetit, and many more. You can follow her on Twitter @jenniferlstill