If He Doesn’t Do These 10 Things, He’s Not Boyfriend Material

If He Doesn’t Do These 10 Things, He’s Not Boyfriend Material ©iStock/pixdeluxe

[tps_title]Apologize when he’s wrong.[/tps_title]

A good boyfriend knows how to say he’s sorry when he fucks up. And if we’re being honest, guys tend to fuck up a lot, so being able to apologize sincerely matters. Stubbornness may be cute in small doses, but a guy who can’t admit he’s wrong isn’t someone you want to be with long-term (or at all, really).

Couple looking at each other©iStock/svetikd

Kristan is a 24-year-old blogger from the cornfields of Terre Haute, Indiana. She spends her days working in accounting, and her nights trying to change the world with her words. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter @kristangible, or read her blog at kristangible.com.