Giant Inflatable Twister Exists To Take Your Parties To The Next Level

Giant Inflatable Twister Exists To Take Your Parties To The Next Level

If you grew up in the ’90s, chances are you owned Twister. The classic party game encouraged you to bend and stretch in ways that make my 35-year-old back hurt just thinking about, but it was so much fun. That’s why I was so stoked when I found out that there’s a giant inflatable Twister board made for kids and adults alike. I NEED THIS NOW.

  1. It’s Twister but not. The giant Twister board is made by a company called Hammacher who, I assume for copyright reasons, refer to the game as an “inflatable outdoor color dot game.” Whatever! We all know the truth of what it really is, and that’s all that matters.
  2. This thing is huge. The game is 15 feet by 15 feet, which is absolutely ginormous. It comes with 64 dots arranged in 8 rows and also comes with a 24″ diameter, 3 foot-high wheel that you spin before the beginning of each turn. Basically, this “outdoor color dot game” is big enough for many full-sized adults, making it even more fun.
  3. Admittedly, it’s also pretty heavy. Because the game is so big — it comes with its own air blower that constantly keeps it inflated, thankfully — and needs to support up to 1,500 lbs, it’s been constructed of double-walled vinyl, and that’s not lightweight. Right out of the box, you’re already looking at 125 lbs of playing board, so you’ll need some help getting it set up.
  4. It’s also pretty expensive, unfortunately. While giant Twister is basically a dream come true, it’s ultimately not going to be in everyone’s budget since it costs $2,000. For a bespoke product that’s so big and comes with everything you need for the most memorable party ever, I think it’s totally worthwhile. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly affordable. Maybe it’s time to band together with your BFFs and pool your money? It’s worth a try! If you can afford it, you can get it HERE.

giant twister

Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia