Your best friends have been there for you through thick and thin, but you have a new boyfriend now and he’s taking up all your time. It’s not that you don’t still care about your girls, just that you’d rather spend 24/7 with your guy. It’s natural to lay low when you first fall in love, but here’s why choosing to put your boyfriend first would be a major mistake.
- You’ll put unnecessary pressure on the relationship. Putting your boyfriend ahead of your friends is a pretty serious gesture. You made it clear that the guy you’ve been dating for a few months is a lot more important than the friends who’ve been by your side for years. You might think it’s dedication, but he might just see it as suffocation.
- You might just lose your friends for good. You showed your girls just how little they mean to you. Your choice won’t be forgotten, and it might not be forgiven. When a relationship ends, girlfriends are the ones who pick you back up. In your case, you made it pretty damn clear that you’d trade your friendships for the mere potential of happily ever after.
- Your boyfriend will become your life. Your social life is no longer a circle — it’s a line directly from you to him. You have no friends for girls’ night and no one to text about the latest episode of Scandal. Yesterday your life was full of love in all directions, but you chose to give that all up for your one and only. It’s time to suffer the consequences of that one relationship being your whole life.
- He’ll start to feel smothered. Since he’s you’re whole life, you’re going to be around — like, all the time. Instead of a girlfriend, you’ll start to feel like a dependent. It’s healthy for couples to spend time apart, but you have no one else to spend your time with. When he’s off on guys’ night, you’ll be at home ready for a fight the second he walks through the door. If you have no life, you won’t want him to have one either.
- Your boyfriend will start to resent you. Your constant need for attention is officially a burden. Once upon a time, having you in his life felt like a blessing, but now it’s a curse. He has to be at your beck and call as your boyfriend and your best friend in one. All of the things you use to do with the girls, like trade gossip, watch soaps, and shop ‘til you drop, you’ll have to do with him, and he’s not interested.
- You’ll have no one to talk to about the problems in your relationship. When things start heading south, who will you have by your side? You won’t be able to get advice or vent your frustrations. Your girls are gone and the only person you can lean on now is yourself.
- You’ll be plagued with regret when you finally break up. You gave it all up for love, but you bet on the wrong guy. And guess what? Sometimes when you go all in, you lose everything. Not only are you officially single AF, you have no girls to pick you back up. Relationships come and go, but friends are supposed to be forever. Bottom line: you royally screwed up.