If A Woman Does Any of These 17 Things, She Thinks You’re Amazing

If A Woman Does Any of These 17 Things, She Thinks You’re Amazing

You can tell if a woman really likes you by watching her actions carefully. She’s likely giving you tons of signs that she’s into you and thinks you’re amazing but you’re not aware of them. Here are 17 behaviors that women display when they can’t get enough of you.

1. She asks you for advice.

If she needs advice for a mind-boggling problem, she’ll turn to you for your input. This is a huge compliment because it shows that she values your opinions, perhaps more than what other people in her life have to say.

2. She joins in on your hobbies.

A woman who thinks you’re amazing will show interest in your life, especially when it comes to your hobbies. She’ll give your interests a try—even if they’re not her thing, at the very least, she’ll be curious to know what you like about them.

3. She asks you follow-up questions.

Someone who thinks you’re amazing is going to have an insatiable interest in what you’re all about. So, she’ll ask you questions and follow-up questions about yourself to get to the heart of who you are.

4. She loves hearing about your past.

A woman who thinks you’re awesome will want to learn as much as she can about you—not just about your life now, but your life when you were a kid through the years. She’s interested in what makes you who you are.

5. She lets you be yourself.

smiling couple kissing in loveiStock/GaudiLab

If she really likes you, instead of trying to change you she’s going to want you to stop censoring yourself. She doesn’t need to be impressed, she just wants to see you for who you truly are. It’s refreshing.

6. She makes an effort to look good for you.

When a woman likes you, she’ll pay attention to her appearance and try to look her best around you. She wants to show you that she’s making an effort, so be sure to compliment her.

7.  She always fits you into her busy schedule.

She’s got a busy life, but she never says she doesn’t have time for you. She’ll squeeze you into her schedule because she wants to be around you. It’s clear that you mean a lot to her.

8. She pays you genuine compliments.

She might be shy to flirt with you, but she’ll give you some compliments to show you that you’re amazing. Her compliments are meaningful instead of generic. So, instead of, “You look good,” she’ll say, “I admire your sense of style.”

9. She remembers little details.

A while back, you might’ve mentioned that you don’t like cherries and she remembered this when she baked you a cake. When you told her you were going to the doctor for a checkup, she remembered and texted you to find out how it went. She’s paying attention!

10. She makes an effort with your friends.

Someone who really cares about you is going to make an effort with the other people you value in your life, like your circle of best mates. She’ll try to get to know them and bond with them because she knows they’re important to you.

11. She reads your body language.

You’re having a rough day and try to hide it behind a smile, but she notices that something’s wrong. She picks up on body language cues so that she can read you like a book. She’s clued into what you’re thinking and feeling.

12. She says “we” instead of “I.”

If she thinks you’re amazing, she’s going to think of you in terms of the future. You might notice that she usually says “we” instead of “I” when chatting about the future, which shows that she wants you to be a part of her life moving forward.

13. She supports you.

A woman who likes you will go out of her way to support you. Whether that means texting you to ask if you had a good day or cheering you on when you achieve your goals, she’s always there for you.

14. She’s excited for you to meet her friends.

happy woman with friends on adventure

If she can’t wait for you to meet her friends, chances are she’s already talked to them about you. And not just talked, raved about you! They’re all eager to spend time with you and get to know you.

15.  She does sweet things to make your day better.

She cares about making you happy and will go out of her way to improve your day. So, she’ll bring you coffee at work or cook you your favorite Chinese food for dinner. It’s the little things that go a long way.

16. She laughs at your jokes.

When a woman laughs at your jokes, even your corniest ones, that’s a clear sign she finds you interesting and wants to spend more time around you. There’s nothing sexier than a man with a good sense of humor!

17. She’s only got eyes for you.

A woman who finds you irresistible is going to show it by maintaining eye contact. Even if you’re in a busy restaurant, she’ll keep looking at you instead of glancing around at other men. She’s only got eyes for you and ears for what you have to say. It’s magnetic!

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.