As an introvert, there are certain situations you really dislike. While some people (read: extroverts) might say these can be healthy ’cause they take you out of your comfort zone, they don’t experience the increased heart rate, sweaty palms, and general discomfort of being thrown into them. If you’re an introvert, you probably find these 10 situations challenging, to say the least. Sigh, you’re not alone (but it would be great if people would leave you alone).
1. Being Forced Into Chats By A Pushy Co-Worker
Whenever someone invades your private space without you wanting to be around them or inviting them over, it can feel awkward and uncomfortable. Like when your co-worker Jade leaps onto your desk to fill you in on the latest goss that you don’t want in your life. While she might be fun to talk to, you don’t know how to navigate the small talk or deal with how she’s basically flung herself into your cubicle.
2. Being Invited To Annoying Last-Minute Plans
Whether it’s a date who wants to meet you in 10 minutes or friends who swing around to fetch you for a party, there’s nothing introverts dislike more than last-minute plans. They like to know what they’re going to do ahead of time as it gives them a chance to zen themselves out and prepare, mentally and emotionally. It’s not just the physical preparation that’s required, FFS!
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4. Going To A New Hairdresser
While extrovert friends who see you have a mini meltdown over your hairdresser leaving town will think you’re dramatic and OTT, they don’t know the stress of having to walk into a new hair salon filled with strangers. Or, how exposed you feel having to speak to a new hairdresser who might butcher your hair, a thought that makes you even more frazzled than the frizz you want tamed at the hairdresser to begin with. Ugh.
5. Having A Zoom Job Interview
Okay, whatever happened to phone call interviews? While they’re stressful enough, they’re not as torturous as having to be interviewed via Zoom. You can be heard and seen, which feels like too much pressure. Plus, you keep checking out how you look in the video at the bottom of the screen, which makes you feel so self-conscious. This is most definitely one of the most challenging situations for an introvert, bar none.
6. Going On A Blind Date
Dating is anxiety-ridden enough, right? So now imagine if you’re a reserved, shy person and you have to go meet a blind date. Yikes. While you can make the situation a little less stressful by choosing the location, it’s still nerve-wracking. And then, you have to make small talk during those awkward silences. Noooo! You’d rather stick to Tinder, thanks.
7. Attending A Party Where You Know No One
Your friend said she’d meet you at the party across town. You get there and wait around only to realize she’s not pitching. You don’t know a soul and it’s not like you to strike up a conversation with the closest person and cling to them like a life raft. Standing off to the side, clutching your drink, and trying to look like you’re having the best time in the world: that’s the definition of a nightmare.
8. Being Thrown A Surprise Party
While surprises can be fun, they’re not even close to fun if you’re the center of attention, like if your friends throw you a surprise birthday party. You feel like you’re thrown on stage and it’s so uncomfortable. Then, you have to make a speech, which doubles your anxiety. If your friends truly know you, they’ll steer clear of surprises, especially ones that occur in the sanctuary of your home.
9. Working In An Open-Plan Office
As an introvert, you value your privacy and like being on your own. You don’t want to feel like a hamster in a cage, being watched every second. That’s exactly what it feels like when you work in an open-plan office. Although you know people aren’t watching you but concentrating on their own things, it feels uncomfortable to know that they can see you and hear your phone conversations. You’re gonna get a sore neck from trying to keep your head down all day.
10. Being Accosted By A Stranger
You’re standing in a queue at the supermarket when a stranger starts making conversation with you. Great. While you don’t want to be rude, you don’t want to feel forced into chatting about stuff with someone you don’t know. You get that some extroverts want to avoid silence, but they shouldn’t expect introverts to be down with this.
11. Getting Stuck In The Middle Of A Fight
You’re having lunch with friends when some people at the table start arguing right in front of you. You’re caught in the middle of the drama and don’t know what to do with yourself. It feels uncomfortable to stay and continue to eat your meal, but you also don’t want to bring attention to yourself by standing up and leaving the table. If people could have their fights in private, that would be great, thanks!