If You Find Yourself Doing These 15 Things, You’re Probably An Anxious Introvert

If You Find Yourself Doing These 15 Things, You’re Probably An Anxious Introvert

If you’re an introvert, you might not necessarily experience being socially awkward or having mental health issues. However, many people who tend to be more inward-focused also experience social and generalized anxiety, and would therefore be known as anxious introverts. Is this you? See how many of the following traits you identify with.

1. You entertain the worst-case scenarios

If you’re an anxious introvert, you might find that your thoughts tend to go to the worst-case scenarios. You worry a lot about the future and this can cause you to work yourself up sometimes, or feel down or negative.

2. You talk a lot when nervous

Three beautiful girls holding together, enjoying a carefree summer day outdoors.

Socializing can be stressful because you’d rather stay at home and do activities that make you feel good. But, it can’t always be avoided, so to deal with it you might become chatty. It helps to settle your nerves, but it takes so much more of your energy.

3. Social gatherings of more than two people make you anxious

Happy multi-ethnic group of people laughing at the restaurant
Being an anxious introvert means that you struggle to be around a lot of people. So, while you might be a bit more comfortable in one-on-one situations, you’ll feel anxious when you attend a party of strangers or lots of people in the same room. It’s too much.

4. Meeting new people makes you feel jittery

When you have to meet new people, whether in your job or socially, you might feel nervous about making a good impression on others. You don’t feel confident or comfortable about social interactions, and you’ll worry about little details, like how to smile genuinely and do the proper handshake.

5. You avoid new or unknown places

sad woman leaning against wall

It’s not just meeting new people that can make you feel stressed out, but new places have a similar effect. You feel most comfortable when you’re in a place you know instead of being thrown in an unfamiliar location.

6. You hate loud noises or bright lights

young woman sitting alone

Being an anxious introvert means that you sometimes struggle to deal with overstimulation, such as in the form of bright lights and loud noise. So, club-hopping on a Saturday night is not your favorite activity at all!

7. You struggle to still your mind

unhappy black couple fighting

You might have things that worry you that you can’t seem to shake off easily. It doesn’t help that as an introvert you spend a lot of time processing your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, it can be tough to snap out of that stressful mindset.

8. You have regular looping negative thoughts

serious man sitting outside on steps

You might also regularly experience negative thoughts on a loop. These intrusive thoughts can be difficult to deal with, especially if you feel shy to reach out to others for help or to vent to a friend so you can release them.

9. You become closed up when others are around

You find it easier to talk to those closest to you. When you’re at a social gathering, you tend to withdraw or isolate yourself. You’d rather linger in the corners instead of working the room – that would bring on a panic attack!

10. You suffer in silence

sad woman facetiming with boyfriend

Not only do you avoid asking others for help, but you also tend to suffer in silence when you’re going through a tough time. You’ll lock the door, draw the curtains, and stay at home until the difficult feelings pass.

11. Calling people makes you feel awkward

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There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than having to pick up the phone and call someone. You feel self-conscious and anxious, and it’s not always easy to express yourself properly. And, it doesn’t help that stress just makes that more challenging!

12. You’re extremely shy or self-conscious around others

You feel shy or self-conscious around others, so you’re likely to experience many struggles that other people won’t even think about. For example, you might worry too much about how you’re dressed or how your voice sounds, so you work yourself up into a human stress ball.

13. You pick through interactions with others

When you’re back at home in your sanctuary, you tend to pick through all your social interactions of the day. You might obsess about what people said or what they think of you. This is one of the reasons why being social can be so draining, and it doesn’t help that it interrupts your quality sleep.

14. You feel anxious if you don’t get enough alone time

Attractive woman brew tea at her kitchen

As an introvert, you love being alone as much as possible. Being on your own makes you feel happy and calm. What people might not understand is that alone time isn’t just something you enjoy doing, but it’s something necessary so that you maintain your health.

15. You hate it when people pitch up at your home unannounced

Since social interactions make you feel so anxious, you like to schedule them ahead of time. You don’t like being surprised, such as if people rock up to your home without texting you first. Ditto for people who come visit you and stay for hours and hours until you wish you could throw them out!

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.