Being called sensitive can sometimes feel like an insult, but it’s actually a positive trait to have in life. It means you’re in tune with your emotions and what others feel, which makes you a great BFF to have around. So, how can you tell if you’re emotionally sensitive? It’s not just about shedding tears more regularly than others (that’s such a myth!). Here are 12 phrases you might use if you’re an emotionally sensitive person.
1. “I Feel…”
If you’re in tune with your emotions, you’ll likely use “I feel” statements during conversations with others, which is awesome. It means you’re expressive and can coherently explain what you’re feeling and how other people’s behavior has affected you. As a bonus, during arguments with loved ones, you focus on what you’re feeling and sensing instead of attacking the other person.
2. “I Can See You’re Upset.”
Since you’re plugged into your, and others’, emotions, you’ll immediately be able to tell if something’s not right. You’ll catch the most subtle body language cues from people. For example, if your friend is tensing their jaw, you’ll know they’re pissed off. While others might miss these signals, you’ll pick ’em up quickly and use them to enhance your relationships.
3. “I Can’t Shake Off The Feeling.”
Being emotionally sensitive means that you feel emotions for longer than others. They tend to hang around a bit more, which can be annoying. After a fight with your partner, you’ll feel sad for hours. Similarly, when you get good news, you’ll feel high on a cloud for days. It’s difficult to shake off your feelings.
4. “I’m So Sad For Her.”
You’re empathetic, which isn’t always a fun experience. You deeply feel what others are going through. While this makes you an amazing friend who’s always there to support those you care about, it can also mean you’ll be crying a river when your friend is sad or feeling angry when your friend is pissed. It’s like their experiences are happening to you!
5. “It’s Too Loud In Here.”
An interesting part about being a very emotionally sensitive person is that stimuli in your environment can affect you more than others. So, when you go to a party, you might feel that the music is way too loud and it’s making you feel anxious. Same for if the lights are too bright. It’s just too much for you to handle.
6. “I’m So Drained.”
Feeling a lot of emotions can become overwhelming at times. It’s no wonder you just want to crash at the end of an emotional day! It’s essential for you to shut the door and enjoy some relaxation so you can replenish your emotional reserves.
7. “Not Tonight.”
Linked to the previous point, there are times when you need to choose self-care instead of socializing. If you’re feeling beaten down by all the emotions running around your body, you know it’s a must to stay in and take care of yourself. Other people might not understand this, but they don’t have your emotional sensitivity.
8. “Something Feels Off.”
You have a heightened sense of your surroundings, not just when it comes to sounds and body language, but also regarding slight energy shifts in your environment or people around you. You’re skilled at catching a vibe and you can immediately tell if someone’s energy or something about a situation feels “off.”
9. “My Gut Says…”
You find it easier to tap into your intuition when you need some guidance in your life. You’re so led by your emotions that you can easily spot a change in their frequency. You can identify them versus your intuition, so you can listen to that wise inner voice when she tells you what to do.
10. “I’ll Think About It.”
Since you take time to think deeply about your emotions, you also like to think and reflect on situations. This is yet another reason why you desperately need time to yourself on the regular so you can space out and let your mind wander. If a big decision presents itself, you’re the type of person who says, “Wait, I’m going to think about it first.”
11. “I Love You.”
Being emotional means you crave a deeper connection with people. You’d rather have a few close friends than 50 acquaintances who are only around for a good laugh. You’d rather have a serious, loving relationship with someone in which you tell each other ILY instead of a fling. In relationships, not having a strong emotional connection is a dealbreaker for you!
12. “I Hear You.”
Highly sensitive people tend to be excellent listeners. It makes sense because they pick up on others’ feelings and are empathetic. You’re a great friend because of this quality, which also encourages people to want to open up to you about what they’re going through. They know you’ll acknowledge and really “get” what they’re saying.
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