If Your Family Doesn’t Respect You, These 15 Behaviors Could Be Why

If Your Family Doesn’t Respect You, These 15 Behaviors Could Be Why

If you feel like your family walks all over you, chances are, you’re right. There’s a difference between playful teasing and outright disrespect. If you’re ready to reclaim your dignity and set healthy boundaries, this article’s for you. Let’s figure out why they’re acting this way, and – more importantly – how to make it stop.

1. You don’t set boundaries.


If you consistently fail to set and enforce personal boundaries, your family members may see you as someone they can take advantage of. Establishing clear boundaries and being assertive about communicating them can help your family understand your limits and encourage respect. This not only protects your own well-being but also promotes healthier and more balanced relationships within your family.

2. You don’t communicate consistently.

Poor communication inevitably leads to misunderstandings and resentment. If you struggle to express your thoughts and feelings effectively or avoid difficult conversations altogether, your family may think you can’t be trusted or they can’t rely on you. You have to strive for open and honest communication even in challenging situations, which can help rebuild trust and respect within your family.

3. You ignore other people’s opinions.

Always dismissing or invalidating your family members’ opinions and perspectives can completely destroy any sense of respect between you. Remember that everyone’s views are important. You have to be more open-minded and actively listen to what they have to say. Trust me, showing them that you value their opinions will help rebuild that respect within your family.

4. You’re totally unreliable.

If you always make promises but never follow through with them, your family may see you as unreliable. Consistency and dependability are non-negotiables when it comes to building trust and respect. Make an effort to honor your commitments and if you can’t fulfill them, be honest about it. By being reliable, you show that you’re a person of integrity and can be counted on.

5. You don’t take accountability for your actions. 

It’s time to own up to your mistakes, apologize sincerely, and make amends if necessary. Showing that you’re mature and willing to learn and grow will go a long way in rebuilding respect within your family. It’s hard for anyone to respect you if you never take responsibility for your actions and always blame everyone else.

6. You’re constantly criticizing people.

Offering constructive feedback is valuable, but constant criticism without balance will no doubt destroy your relationship with your family over time. It’s time to balance out your “feedback” with some genuine appreciation and kind words. By giving genuine compliments and praise, you actually create an environment that’s healthier and happier.

7. You engage in manipulative behavior.

Using manipulative tactics like guilt-tripping or emotional blackmail destroys the sense of respect and trust. It’s time to ditch the manipulation tactics and focus on open and honest communication. Building genuine connections based on trust and respect will lead to healthier and more respectful relationships with your family members in the long run.

8. You totally disregard or discount the effort they put in. 

Your family members make a lot of effort to make your life — and the lives of the rest of the family —  better. Failing to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of your family members totally destroys the sense of respect between you. It’s time to show some gratitude and recognize their contributions, whether it’s in chores, emotional support, or any other aspect of family life. By acknowledging and valuing their efforts, you make sure they feel more appreciated.

9. You don’t celebrate their success or achievements. 

Are you always the one dominating conversations without giving your family members a chance to speak? It’s time to practice active listening, give people the time and space to express themselves, and value their contributions to conversations. Trust me, by creating a convo where everyone gets a chance to add their input, you’ll encourage an environment where everyone’s perspectives are heard and respected.

10. You have a negative attitude. 

Are you constantly focusing on the negative or complaining all the time? It’s really important to push for a more positive mindset and actively look for answers/solutions instead of dwelling on problems. By trying to create a more positive atmosphere, you’ll contribute to a more laid-back and respectful family environment.

11. You never work on growing or improving yourself.

You have to embrace personal growth and show your willingness to learn and evolve. When you show your commitment to your own personal development, you show that you really care about becoming the best version of yourself and you encourage the same in your family members. They’ll respect you more for it.

12. You ignore their emotional needs. 

Are you neglecting the emotional needs of your family members? It’s time to show empathy, support, and understanding towards their feelings. Create a safe space for them to express themselves. By prioritizing emotional well-being and pushing for open communication, you’ll create an environment where respect and understanding can flourish.

13. You lack empathy. 

If you consistently show a lack of empathy towards your family members’ experiences and emotions? It’s time to practice putting yourself in their shoes, actively listen to their concerns, and show compassion. The more empathetic you are, the more you’ll foster deeper connections and mutual respect within your family.

14. You dominate conversations.

If you always end up dominating conversations without giving other people a chance to speak, you have to practice active listening, give other people space to express themselves, and value their contributions to conversations. Trust me, by creating a culture of shared convo and active participation, you’ll make sure everyone feels respected and valued.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.