If You’re Truly A Non-Judgmental Person, You’ll Never Do These 19 Things

If You’re Truly A Non-Judgmental Person, You’ll Never Do These 19 Things iStock

Most people wouldn’t want to admit that they’re judgmental jerks. After all, life is all about marching to the beat of your own drum and living on your own terms. As long as you’re not hurting anyone else, what’s the problem, right? However, while we believe that in many ways, a lot of us a bit more critical of other people than we think. After, a truly non-judgmental person would never do any of the following things (and I know I sure have!).

1. Jump to conclusions

young man and woman chatting on park bench

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People who aren’t judgmental don’t leap to conclusions or make assumptions about people based on tiny tidbits of information. They understand that there’s usually more to a story than what meets the eye. Instead of making snap judgments, they keep an open mind and don’t form opinions until they have all the facts.

2. Gossip

two female friends laughing at phone

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Engaging in gossip, as harmless as it might seem on the surface, is a no-go for truly non-judgmental people. They recognize that gossip is often based on assumptions and really hurt people. They’re not about spreading baseless rumors or trying to ruin other people’s reputations.

3. Dismiss people’s feelings

two men chatting at outdoor cafe

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Dismissing or belittling someone else’s feelings is something a non-judgmental person would never do. They understand that everyone’s feelings are valid and deserve respect, even if they don’t fully understand them. It really is that simple.

4. Make assumptions about people’s lives

man and woman talking in park in autumn

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Making assumptions about someone’s life, choices, or challenges is off-limits. Non-judgmental people know that every person’s journey is unique and complex, and they steer clear of making unwarranted assumptions. If it doesn’t have anything to do with them, they know how to mind their own business.

5. Impose their beliefs on other people

male female runner sitting on steps afer exercise

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They don’t try to convince people to come around to their way of thinking. They respect that everyone has their own set of beliefs and that it’s not their place to dictate what others should think or feel. They also realize the world is all about celebrating differences and it would be pretty boring if we were all carbon copies of each other.

6. Ignore different perspectives

two female friends chatting at cafe outside

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Ignoring or shutting down points of view that are different from their own isn’t something non-judgmental people ever do. They’re always open to hearing various viewpoints and understand that learning from these perspectives can really help them grow as people.

7. Use stereotypes or labels

male and female friend having coffee outside

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Relying on stereotypes or labels to define people is a clear sign of judgment (and all kinds of other problematic biases). People who truly don’t judge make sure they avoid categorizing people. Instead, they see them as unique human beings in their own right and respect them accordingly.

8. Criticize people for their choices

two male friends walking and talking in the park

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Non-judgmental people don’t put people down for what they decide to do with their lives. Whether it’s about career, relationships, lifestyle, or personal preferences, they respect that each person has the right to choose their own path.

9. Project their insecurities

two female friends talking in a coffee shop

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Projecting personal insecurities onto others is a judgmental behavior. People who avoid judgment are self-aware enough to know their own soft spots, and they don’t let them influence how they view or treat others.

10. Give unsolicited advice

male and female friend walking down the street

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Giving unsolicited advice can be a form of judgment, believe it or not. It implies that the other person can’t handle their situation. Non-judgmental people offer advice when asked, but they don’t assume they know what’s best for other people. They know how to stay in their lane.

11. Dismiss cultural differences

male and female friend sitting in grass talking

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Different cultures have their own beliefs, traditions, and ways of doing things, and dismissing them is something a non-judgmental person would just never do. They embrace diversity and understand that cultural backgrounds significantly influence people’s lives and perspectives.

12. Overgeneralize based on limited experience.

male and female friends talking in cafe

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Overgeneralizing based on a few experiences is a judgmental tendency. Non-judgmental people understand that their personal experiences don’t define universal truths about other people’s. They’re not the center of the universe and they realize that.

13. Hold grudges based on past mistakes

male and female friend chatting on park bench

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Holding grudges, especially for things that happened months or even years ago, is a sign of judgment. Truly non-judgmental people believe in forgiveness and understand that everyone makes mistakes and can change. Obviously, they don’t let people walk all over them, but they do know how to forgive and forget.

14. Value people based on material possessions

young man and woman with backpacks chatting

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Deciding someone’s worthiness based on how much money they have or what they can buy is something a non-judgmental person just isn’t here for. They measure people’s worth by their character and actions, not their wealth or status.

15. Ignore context and circumstances

two business colleagues talking outside

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Non-judgmental people never ignore nuance. They understand that actions often have underlying reasons shaped by various factors, and they consider these before forming any opinions or taking any actions. People and situations are complex, and they don’t ignore that.

16. Belittle people’s achievements

two male friends talking at restaurant

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Diminishing someone else’s achievements is not something a non-judgmental person does. They applaud other people’s successes, no matter how small, and know it’s so much better to encourage people than tear them down.

17. Assume people are inferior or superior

two women chatting outside with drinks

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The idea that anyone is better than anyone else isn’t one that non-judgmental people have. In fact, they truly do see everyone as equals, regardless of their social, economic, or educational background. That’s how it should be!

18. Refuse to admit when they’re wrong

male and female friend talking in park

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Truly non-judgmental people are happy to hold up their hands and ‘fess up when they’ve messed up. They can accept personal responsibility because they understand that being wrong is a part of being human. They’re open to admitting mistakes and learning from them.

19. Impose unrealistic standards on other people

two men talking in cafe

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Non-judgmental people don’t expect everyone around them to perform miracles on a daily basis. They understand that everyone has their strengths and limitations and that it’s unfair to expect others to meet an arbitrary set of standards.

Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.