The glasses worn by serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer during his time in prison are now up for sale — and they cost more than a small house in many places. Taylor James, who runs a business called Cult Collectibles in Vancouver, Canada, has the glasses in his possession, and he’s ready to get rid of them… for $150,000, according to TMZ.
- Jeffrey Dahmer is known for his oversized glasses. It’s one of the most remarkable things about his appearance, and all of the police mugshots and many candid photos of him feature the glasses. Owning a pair that the killer wore regularly is apparently something many collectors would love. It’s unclear if these are the ones he was wearing when he was killed by a fellow inmate behind bars.
- Taylor James became the owner of the glasses a few years back. James says that he got a hold of the glasses with several other pieces of Jeffrey Dahmer memorabilia including old letters, silverware, a Bible, and photographs. He says he was contacted by a former housekeeper who used to work for Dahmer’s father, though it’s unclear if the items were handed over free of charge or if James paid out for them. All of the items are up for sale online as part of Cult Collectibles’ Jeffrey Dahmer collection.
- Those wanting the glasses will need to reach out directly. Dahmer’s glasses aren’t listed on the Cult Collectibles website, which makes sense given their hefty price tag. James urges anyone who wants to purchase to reach out to him directly, though he’s only interested in serious inquiries. Since most people won’t have $150,000 spare to shell out on such an item, it’s doubtful that his inbox will be flooded, in any case.
- Something tells us he’ll sell them in no time. Given the renewed interest in Jeffrey Dahmer thanks to the new Netflix series, this seems like the perfect time for James to cash in. It’s all a little macabre and not necessarily in good taste, but that’s pop culture, we suppose.