Mind Games Manipulative People Play To Control You

Mind Games Manipulative People Play To Control You

Do you ever find yourself second-guessing everything, feeling confused, or struggling with low self-esteem within a relationship? These could be signs that someone is using mind games to control you. It’s important to learn to recognize these dangerous tactics so you can protect yourself and reclaim your power. Here’s what to watch out for.

1. They try to guilt you into letting them get their way.

Portrait of tired young woman sadness looking at camera sitting on bed on background of aggressive husband shouting on girlfriend at home. Concept of family scandal, crisis, domestic violence, abuse.

Manipulators love to play on your emotions. They might drop phrases like, “After all I’ve done for you…” or “I guess I’m just not important to you” to make you feel obligated to give them what they want. Newsflash: genuine love and support don’t come with strings attached. Remember that you have the right to set boundaries and say “no” without feeling bad.

2. They gaslight you to high heaven.

young man with headache on couch

Gaslighting is a seriously sneaky tactic. It’s when someone denies something they said or did, or twists your words to make you question your own sanity. If you constantly feel confused and unsure around someone, watch out – they might be messing with your head. Trust your instincts – if something feels off, it probably is.

3. They make absolutely everything your fault.

Manipulators are pros at dodging responsibility. They’ll twist the situation to make you the bad guy, even when you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s a way to control you by keeping you on the defensive and always feeling like you need to make amends. Don’t take the bait – learn to recognize their tactics and refuse to own their mistakes.

4. They paint themselves as the poor, innocent victims of everyone and everything.

sad guy

Some manipulators are experts at playing the victim. They tell elaborate sob stories, painting themselves as helpless and always wronged. This plays on your empathy, making you want to rescue them, which is exactly where they want you. While it’s important to be compassionate, remember that chronic manipulative behavior isn’t genuine vulnerability.

5. They put you down constantly.

Manipulators chip away at your self-esteem. They might disguise criticism as “jokes” or “concern,” but it’s designed to make you feel small. When you doubt yourself, you’re more likely to rely on them, which boosts their power. Don’t internalize their negativity – it’s about them, not you.

6. They go overboard with the “loving” gestures.

A girl and a young man sit on the bridge and enjoy communication, a date in nature, love story.

They shower you with affection and praise one minute, then become cold and distant the next. This rollercoaster of emotions keeps you hooked, always craving their approval, and confused by their behavior. It’s emotional manipulation at its finest. Remember, healthy love is consistent, not a chaotic whirlwind.

7. They position themselves as the hero of your life.

A manipulator wants to isolate you. They’ll sow seeds of doubt about your friends and family, creating distance and making you feel like they’re the only one who truly “gets” you. This makes you more dependent on them and easier to control. Fight against this as hard as you can — your loved ones are a non-negotiable part of your life.

8. They control the rules (and change them at will).

Manipulators love to switch the goalposts. What was okay yesterday is suddenly a crime today. They keep you guessing, never sure if you’re doing the right thing. This constant anxiety makes it easier for them to steer your actions. Challenge their inconsistency – clear communication and healthy boundaries are your allies.

9. They act the way they do because of you.

Texting and drinking coffee in a cafe

Did their project fail at work? Because you didn’t text back quickly enough. Having a bad day? Well, clearly that’s your negativity rubbing off on them. A master manipulator makes you the scapegoat for everything, keeping you focused on fixing their problems instead of your own needs. Refuse to become their emotional punching bag – it’s not your responsibility to fix their life.

10. They completely refuse to interact with you.

Young woman in a cafe using mobile phone. Shallow DOF

When a manipulator doesn’t get their way, they might sulk or give you the cold shoulder. This silence is designed to be punishment, making you desperate to get back in their good graces – at any cost. Don’t play their game – disengage and focus on your own well-being.

11. They turn everything into a major crisis.

Trying to talk about your feelings? Nope! Somehow, the conversation always ends up centered on their struggles and dramas. Manipulators make everything about themselves, diverting attention away from your needs and keeping the spotlight firmly on them. Learn to gently redirect the conversation or set boundaries when you need space.

12. You never measure up in their eyes.

“My ex was so much better at…” They constantly compare you to others, subtly (or not so subtly) implying that you fall short. This keeps you insecure and desperate to prove your worth. Don’t compete with ghosts or idealized versions – your value comes from within.

13. They turn everything back on you.

Unhappy couple having crisis and difficulties in relationship

Even when you calmly express a concern, they manage to twist it, making you seem like the unreasonable one. This deflects accountability and keeps you tiptoeing around their fragile ego. Watch for circular arguments and attempts to rewrite the narrative.

14. They’re full of fake apologies and empty promises.

They might say “sorry,” but actions speak louder than words. Manipulators give half-hearted apologies to appease you in the moment, but the pattern of behavior never really changes. Don’t be fooled by surface-level charm – demand accountability and lasting change.

15. They constantly test our boundaries to see how far they can get.

Manipulators test your limits, pushing little by little to see what you’ll tolerate. Each time you concede, they’ll push a bit further next time. Be firm in your boundaries – a resounding “no” is far more powerful than getting worn down slowly.

16. They trivialize your hurt feelings.

couple fighting unhappy argument relationship

When you call out hurtful behavior, they brush it off as a joke or claim you’re “too sensitive.” This minimizes your emotions and keeps them from having to take responsibility for the impact of their words. Don’t question your feelings – you have the right to feel respected and safe.

Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.