Narcissists Could Be More Common In These 11 Career Fields

Narcissists Could Be More Common In These 11 Career Fields

Narcissists exist in every area of life, and their massive egos, self-centeredness, and their willingness to manipulate those around them to get their own way can be difficult to deal with, to say the least. While you have control over your personal life and can kick them to the curb, it’s a bit harder when it comes to your career. Here are 12 fields narcissists may be more likely to pursue — keep your eyes peeled!

1. The Entertainment Industry

Rear view of large group of people enjoying a concert performance. There are many raised hands in front of the camera.

The glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry often attract people with narcissistic traits. The constant spotlight and admiration can feed into their need for attention and validation. From actors to TV personalities, the industry’s focus on image and celebrity status can be a magnet for the kind of people who go through life craving recognition and acclaim.

2. High-Level Executives

In the corporate world, especially among high-level executives, narcissism can sometimes be mistaken for confidence. The drive for success, power, and control in these roles can appeal to narcissistic personalities. They often thrive in environments where assertiveness and a strong personality are valued, even if it crosses into arrogance.

3. Politics

A well dressed man and woman smiling as they as they walk down steps of a courthouse building. Could be business or legal professionals.

Politics is a field where narcissism can (and usually does) flourish — just turn on the news and you’ll see what I mean here. The desire (and often desperation) for power, influence, and public admiration aligns well with narcissistic tendencies. Politicians are often in the public eye, and the constant need for approval and recognition can attract people with these personality traits.

4. Sales and Marketing

two colleagues talking at work

Sales and marketing careers are often about persuasion and influence, and those skills often align with narcissistic traits. The focus on achievement, competition, and personal success in these fields can be attractive to people who thrive on being the best and standing out from the crowd.

5. The Legal Profession

Law, Old-Fashioned, Legal System, Justice - Concept, Judgement

The field of law can be a draw for narcissists — think about the lawyers you know or have seen and you’ll get me. The confrontational nature of litigation, the need to persuade and win, and the glory associated with being a successful lawyer can appeal to someone with a strong desire for admiration and a sense of superiority.

6. Social Media Influencers

Photo of a young woman using maps app on her mobile phone while travelling and looking for right direction

With the rise of social media, being an influencer has become a career path that attracts tons of narcissistic personalities. The constant attention, the validation through likes and followers, and the perception of celebrity can be particularly appealing to people who want to be adored by people they don’t know and will never meet and have a platform to showcase themselves.

7. Creative Arts

Portrait of a black female photographer. She is taking a picture with an old valuable analog camera.

The creative arts, including fields like fashion design, can be attractive to narcissists. The industry’s emphasis on unique personal vision and the acclaim that comes with successful creations can feed into a narcissist’s need for admiration and recognition of their “genius.”

8. Tech Industry

Group of business persons standing confident with arms crossed

In the tech industry, especially among leaders and innovators, there’s a fine line between brilliance and narcissism. The drive to innovate, disrupt, and be seen as a visionary can attract individuals with narcissistic tendencies, drawn by the potential for fame and the idolization of successful tech figures.

9. The Financial Sector

businesspeople talking at conference

Professionals in the financial sector, particularly in high-stakes roles like investment banking, often exhibit narcissistic traits. The allure of high financial rewards, the thrill of risk-taking, and the status associated with successful deals are attractive to people who are addicted to wealth and power (or at least the idea of it).

10. Real Estate

Real estate agents shake hands after the signing of the contract agreement is complete.

Real estate, especially at the mogul level, can be a magnet for narcissistic personalities. The industry’s focus on big deals, high-visibility projects, and personal branding aligns well with the desires of someone seeking recognition, status, and the thrill of the deal. I mean, have you watched “Selling Sunset”?

11. Professional Athletics

Fitness, health and sports couple with motivation for exercise, workout and cardio training for health goal in an urban city outdoor. Portrait of strong, wellness and healthy young athletes together

The world of professional sports, with its emphasis on personal achievement, fame, and physical prowess, can attract narcissistic people. The constant competition, public adulation, and hero worship that comes with athletic success provide the perfect stage for those craving admiration and dominance in their field.

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Brad grew up in St. Louis and moved to California to attend Berkeley College of Music, where he graduated with a bachelor's degree in Music Production and Engineering. He still plays in a band on the weekend and during the week does a lot of writing and coffee-making to pay the bills. He's also been married for 7 years now, so he figures he must be doing something right.