There are all sorts of psychology tests and magazine quizzes that reveal what kind of personality you have, but humans are too complex to fit into categories. Circumstances, life seasons, and experiences shift us, helping us grow. However, regardless of where you are in life, people with these 10 personality traits are definitely worth keeping close to you.
1. Compassionate
It’s one thing to sympathize with other people, but it’s another thing to empathize, according to Verywell Mind, to take the time to search your heart and find realistic ways to relate to someone else’s hurt and struggles. Compassionate people harness empathy well, almost naturally, and they’re sure to relate to your heartaches and challenges.
2. Considerate
“Considerate” sounds formal, like an effort to be polite at baby showers and wedding receptions. However, being considerate is more than holding the door for someone or knowing when to hold your tongue and smile. A considerate person truly considers the position another person is in. They put themselves in other people’s shoes with intentionality. Considerate people teach us to think before we speak and understand how our actions will impact others.
3. Charismatic
“Charismatic” doesn’t always mean someone is off-the-wall wild. It can mean someone is passionate about something, whether that’s their faith, hobbies, or career ambitions. People with charisma understand the value in the daily elements that create their lives, giving their day-to-day routine a deeper sense of purpose.
4. Creative
It’s so easy to get bogged down in the daily grind that we forget how much we love to paint, write music, craft poetry, etc. Creative people remind us to pursue those dreams that bring us to life and give us a way to express our joy. They also push us to think outside the box when it comes to problem-solving, and they always provide unique and interesting perspectives.
5. Calm
We all love the idea of being calm, cool, and collected, but it’s hard for many of us to implement that level of chill when stressors arise. However, some people just have a natural knack for staying calm and offering a sense of peace, order, and, well, common sense when we feel like our world is spinning out of order.
6. Compelling
Compelling people are often charismatic people with a hint of convincing. They know how to get you on board, get you excited, and get you motivated. Once they discover what you’re passionate about, they understand what it takes to put legs to your words. Rather than getting lost in the routine of life, compelling people remind you to live in the moment and to stand behind every decision you make.
7. Confident
Confidence doesn’t always mean cockiness. Of course, there’s a fine line between the two (more on that fine line here, according to, but healthily confident people are sure of who they are. When someone is sure of who they are, they don’t allow insecurity to drive them toward jealousy or tearing other people down to feel better about themselves. Instead, quite the opposite happens. They love in a way that instills confidence in others.
8. Childlike (in a fun-loving way)
Children are innocent, blissful, and fearless. Most of us felt this way as kiddos before the world showed us how cruel it can be. But other people have a fun-loving way of unlocking that inner child in us, the piece of us that still believes in goodness, celebrates life’s little wins, and dares to chase lost dreams. That being said, you obviously don’t want to be around people who refuse to grow up and exhibit child-like behaviors such as drama and pettiness.
9. Challenging (in an encouraging way)
A challenging friend pushes you to be your best, but they do so with compassionate encouragement. They aren’t combative, overbearing, or dogmatic, yet they see your potential and care enough about you to challenge you to never settle. They aren’t always the most comfortable people to be around, but they are healthy for you and ignite positive change.
10. Chipper
It’s so easy to feel the weight of reality—overdue bills, rocky friendships, cruel bosses, scary health diagnoses, crushed dreams—ugh. However, an upbeat and optimistic person still finds beauty in the everyday. Life will constantly hand us heavy deals, but a chipper friend will teach us to ride the highs and lows with a balanced, healthy perspective.