If you and your boyfriend have talked about taking your relationship to the next level, you may be wondering when he’s going to pop the question. Here are 8 signs the big day may be closer than you think.
- You notice someone’s been through your jewelry. He doesn’t want to openly ask you what your ring size is, so he hopes that by stealing a favorite, he may be able to ask his jeweler. There’s literally no other reason for a guy to go through your things (unless you think he might be pawning them), so this is a huge sign. It’ll also give him a good idea of your style, in case he wasn’t paying attention to those details earlier.
- He’s been dropping the L-Bomb a ton recently. He’s always been romantic but he’s really been amping it up recently. In fact, it’s almost a little suspicious. He’s just trying to set the mood and make sure that you’re both on the same level regarding your commitment once and for all. Also, he’s so excited that the big moment is about to happen that he’s just really feeling the love.
- He’s started talking about the future a little more. Not just in terms of a wedding, but in terms of kids, housing situations, and whether or not you want to settle down in your current city. He’s really eager to get the ball rolling and get his life started with you. Even if these are things you’ve chatted about before, he’s suddenly more serious.
- You’ve noticed he’s called your BFF recently. You’re no snoop, but you just so happen to see that he’s contacted your BFF for some reason. Maybe it’s a brief phone call or a text asking to meet up about something. It doesn’t seem suspicious in a “he’s cheating” way, but it seems suspicious in a “something’s up” way. He might be asking your bestie about your preferences, or maybe she just wants to include her in the big moment. If your friend happens to be great with a camera, there’s another reason why she might have been called.
- He starts planning a big trip. Even if he’s not one for traveling, he’s suddenly interested in a fun little couple’s trip this spring or summer. It’s definitely a vacation, just the two of you out and about without family obligations. Bonus points if it’s a place you’ve mentioned that you’ve always wanted to visit before. Not only do you know he was listening, but he probably thinks it’ll add so much more to the proposal.
- You know he really believes in the act of a good proposal. You know for a fact your boyfriend would be heartbroken to not have his moment to shine. To him, the proposal is more than something he’s expected to do. He’s been thinking up fun ideas for a long time. That, and he also seems to have something to say about the proposals of his guy friends. If you’ve heard something like, “Can you believe he popped the question before Game of Thrones?” you know yours will be well thought out.
- He’s taken a shopping trip or two but has come home with nothing. He just wants time to check out rings, and possibly buy one without you tagging along with him. And if you ask to tag along (who doesn’t love a shopping trip?), he seems to get a little nervous about it or make up an excuse that’s a little too lame to believe.
- He’s suddenly more comfortable with your family. When you marry someone, you marry their family. If you notice your guy making more of an effort to get to know your dad or to intertwine families, that’s a big sign. Is he determined to get your mom and his mom out together to bond? That means that he knows you’re “The One” and is planning on making it official pretty soon.