Just Because Our Relationship Is Over Doesn’t Mean It Wasn’t Amazing While It Lasted

Just because we weren’t destined to be together forever doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy our relationship while it lasted. You might be my ex now, but this is why I’m still grateful for the time we spent as a couple:

  1. You Were My Best Friend Before You Were My Boyfriend. We built a relationship out of inside jokes, movie quotes, and the ability to talk to each other about the tough stuff. You knew me better than I knew myself sometimes. You became my friend before we ever started anything romantic, so if we can’t have a relationship, I’ll take a friendship with you any day.
  2. You Believed In Me. You had more faith in me that I ever had in myself. Most guys I dated would listen to me talk about my goals, but you were the first one to actively try to help me accomplish them. You pushed me to go for what I wanted, and I owe a lot of what I’m doing now to you.
  3. You Taught Me That It Was Okay To Be Vulnerable. You were around during some of the hardest parts of my life. I’ve never been one to talk about my past or the things that haunted me, but you made me feel safe. You got me to open up, and you were the first guy to make me realize that it’s okay to let people in every once in a while.
  4. You Showed Me What Love Was. I’d been in relationships and dated plenty before you, but I don’t think I really knew what being in love felt like until you came around. I learned that love isn’t just roses and pet names — it takes work. We never had to hide who we were. We didn’t just accept each other’s quirks but celebrated them. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.
  5. Some Of My Best Nights Were With You. I wouldn’t trade our silly nights together for anything. You and I could talk and listen to music for hours without ever having an awkward pause. While everyone else was at the bar, we’d be dancing around your living room and having lip sync battles at 2 AM. Those are some of my favorite memories with you, and I still cherish them.
  6. You Were My Rock. When something happened, you were the first person I wanted to turn to — the one I wanted to tell me that everything would be OK. And you did. You knew how I handled tough situations and could always tell when I needed to talk and when I just needed to be left alone. I know that if I needed you even now, you’d be there in a heartbeat.
  7. I Know Things Happen For A Reason. You and I just weren’t meant to be. The universe had a different plan for us, but I still think you were brought into my life for a reason. Maybe it was to show me that there are good guys in this world. Maybe you were simply brought into my life because I needed someone to put a smile on my face while going through dark times. Whatever the purpose, we happened, and I’m thankful for that.
  8. I’m Thankful, But Not Hanging On. I’m not going to wish that you and I could magically get back together. I’ve moved on and I’m happy, and I know you feel the same way. But just because we’re way more content apart than we were together doesn’t mean that we’re still secretly pining for each other. I’m grateful for the role you played in my life, but I’m perfectly fine knowing that our time together is up.
  9. The Sex Was Fantastic. If there’s one thing I will truly miss about us, it’s that you 100 percent knew what you were doing in the bedroom. I’d had good sex before, but you really raised the bar. Now that I know just how good it can be, there’s no way I’m going to settle for a guy who’s only so-so in the sack.
  10. Knowing You Helped Me Know Myself. The conversations we would have made me think about who I was and what I wanted. In previous relationships, I was always so concerned with doing what made the other person happy that I never stopped to think about what really made ME happy. You helped me realize what I want out of life and how to get there. You were always so selfless and wanted what was best for me, even if that meant leaving you behind. I can only hope the next guy I date treats me the same way.
Hey there!
I'm just your typical 27 year old girl, trying to navigate through this crazy life of boys and friends. Traveling and exploring new places is my drug.