12 Rude Behaviors That Strong Women Won’t Tolerate

12 Rude Behaviors That Strong Women Won’t Tolerate

Strong women know themselves and they have backbones. No one can walk over them or treat them like they don’t matter. They’re skilled at knowing how to shut down rude comments and behaviors that others might let slide because they know it’s only a matter of time before those small grievances become huge problems. Here are 12 rude behaviors that strong women won’t tolerate, ever.

1. Judgments About Their Appearance

It’s sad that some people think they have the right to comment on other people’s appearances, such as by saying, “You’ve put on weight” or “You look tired.” Like, what? A strong woman will say, “Nope, don’t comment on my appearance. Thank you.” They draw a line that people cannot cross and will remember to respect in the future, instead of letting the comments slide.

2. Comments About Their Single Status

Whether it’s a nosy aunt or an old friend, if someone makes a comment about a strong woman’s single status, such as, “Why are you still single?” or “Why can’t you seem to find love?”, a strong woman will respond. She might laugh or say, “I’m happy being single” or “I love my life, I hope you do!” She knows who she is and won’t let people sway her opinions.

4. Being Interrupted

One of the rudest things that someone can do during conversation with you is talk over you and interrupt you every five seconds. A strong woman won’t stand for this. She knows her comments and opinions matter, so she’ll tell the person, “As I was trying to say…” before sharing what’s on her mind. Hopefully, the other person will stop and listen for a change.

5. Mansplaining

When someone tries to mansplain, it can be so annoying. They don’t seem to care that they’re being condescending or assuming that you don’t know something. A strong woman won’t back down. She’ll make eye contact with the mansplainer and say something like, “Thanks, but I’ve got this” or “I’m fully qualified to do this.” Hell yeah. (BTW, if you’re sick of coming across guys like this in the dating world, you need to visit our sister site, Sweetn. They have some incredible tips on changing your luck in love completely. Check them out here.)

6. Belittling Comments

If someone tries to make belittling comments about a strong woman, such as with backhanded compliments, she’ll laugh it off or use humor to show the person that she’s aware of what they’re trying to do but she’s not going to be affected by it. So, if someone says, “You’d look so attractive as a blonde,” she’d say something like, “Really?” in a sarcastic tone. Or, she’ll say, “I like my hair and that’s what matters.”

7. Someone Who Isn’t Listening

It’s so frustrating when you’re talking to your partner or friend and they’ve completely tuned out of the conversation. Ugh. A strong woman will say something like, “I feel like I’m losing your attention.” She’ll let them know that she’s aware of what they’re doing and call them out if she’s feeling unheard or ignored.

8. Someone Making Choices For Her

A strong woman knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to get it. If someone tries to step in and take the steering wheel, she’ll make it clear that she’s making her own choices. So, if a first date orders cocktails for her, she’ll say that she’d prefer a glass of wine. Similarly, if her friends think she should date someone else, she’ll explain why she’s sticking to the guy she’s chosen. She’s not following other people’s rules.

9. Someone Pushing Her Boundaries

This is one of the rudest behaviors! When someone doesn’t listen to “no” and continues to push a strong woman’s boundaries, she’ll be firm with the person. She’ll demand respect, such as by saying, “I feel like I’m not being heard right now.” Or, she’ll just keep saying “no” – “no” is a full sentence! She’ll repeat this if required so the person doesn’t have room to squirm around and try to get their way.

10. Being Cheated On

A strong woman knows her worth and the value she brings to her relationship, so if she discovers that her partner’s been cheating on her or lying to her, she won’t stick around or make excuses for them. She won’t waste her energy analyzing their texts. She’ll GTFO of the relationship because she won’t let others disrespect her.

11. Fakery In Her Social Circle

Being surrounded by friends who pretend to care for you is like sitting with poisonous snakes and waiting for them to strike. A strong woman isn’t afraid to delete certain “friends” from her life because she knows it’s better to have one or two friends she can truly trust instead of 10 friends who don’t care about her. She also knows how to rely on herself and won’t stick it out with fake friends who don’t meet her needs.

12. Being Neglected

If a strong woman is in a relationship with someone who’s started neglecting her and ignoring her needs, she’s not going to stand for it. She’s going to speak up and tell her partner what her needs are and explain why they’re important for her to feel happy. She’s not the type of person to go through the motions for fear of being single. She’d rather be alone than with someone who doesn’t make her happy.

13. Controlling Tendencies

Another thing a strong woman won’t put up with is someone’s controlling tendencies. If she gets into a relationship with someone and they try to control her, such as by telling her what to wear/think/do, she’ll leave the relationship. There’s no way she’ll tolerate someone changing her. They either love her or leave her alone. That’s it.

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.