11 Signs You’re Annoying Someone Over Text (And What To Do Instead)

11 Signs You’re Annoying Someone Over Text (And What To Do Instead)

Texting is a quick and fun way to stay in touch with someone, like the cutie you’ve just started dating. But if you’re relying on text to remain connected, you might be guilty of annoying texting habits that are rubbing the person the wrong way. Check yourself! Here are 10 signs you’re annoying someone via text and what you can do instead so you don’t give them the wrong impression.

1. You’re The Queen Of Short Replies.

“Short and sweet” is your texting mantra. You don’t want to spend hours formulating replies. You want a quick texting convo that doesn’t take you away from your day. But, if you’re using short or one-word replies, you could be annoying because you’re not properly engaging. Stick to texting when you have the time to really think about your responses. Make your interaction count.

2. You’re “Typing…”

If you and the person are online when you’re coming up with a reply to their question, you might be annoying them if they can see you “typing…” and then you stop, and this goes on and on. They might wonder if you’re stuck, unsure of what to say or if you’re trying to come up with a lie. Yikes. It might be better to put your phone down and jot your thoughts down on paper.

3. You Don’t Know When To Let A Conversation Go.

An important part of being a good communicator is recognizing when the conversation has drawn to a natural conclusion and ending it gracefully. If you struggle with that, Sweetn can help — they’re all about helping you use the power of your own mind — and science! — to form better communication habits (among other things) to get a better love life. Check them out here.

4. You’re A Paragraph Texter.

Maybe you don’t send short texts but super-long ones instead. The person opens your message and sees a wall of text they have to get through. Wow. Although you might love receiving paragraph texts, it’s not always what the other person wants. You’re not the only one who’s busy with other things, so try to be a bit more considerate of their time in the future. Break up the text so it’s easier to digest and be clear about what you want to say before you start typing.

5. You Send Long Voice Notes.

Maybe you love that you can jump from texting to voice notes on WhatsApp because it’s so much more convenient. Wait! If you’re relying on voice notes, this can be laborious for someone to go through. It’s even worse if you’re sending long voice notes asking them lots of questions because they have to try to keep track of what you said and then reply. It’s exhausting. Go easy on the voice notes. Only use them if it’s super necessary.

6. You Love Emojis.

Okay, look. Emojis are cute and fun to use, but they can be super distracting in messages. Sometimes, emojis can also be confusing. Are you telling the person you’re stressed/sad/thoughtful? Seriously, use your words to get your message across. Communication can be difficult enough. Don’t let the person feel like they have to solve a Rubik’s Cube when trying to figure you out.

7. Your Spelling Is Terrible.

Sorry, but there’s no excuse for having bad spelling in texts. It’s normal to make a mistake every now and then, but don’t let it get out of control. You have a spell-checker, so use it. Bad spelling makes it hard for the person to understand what you’re saying and can cause misunderstandings. Plus, if you can’t take the time to check the spelling in your text, it gives the impression that you don’t give a crap.

8. You Text Goodnight.

Texts don’t always need to have a “hi” and “bye” message. You can flow into a conversation and then pick it up again the next day, without worrying that you’re being rude (as long as you’re not ignoring messages). If you send “chat later” or “goodnight” texts all the time, it can seem a bit OTT. This is especially annoying if the person hasn’t replied to your previous message, so you say “goodnight, sleep tight” as a way to get an answer. Argh.

9. You Double-Text When You Don’t Get A Reply.

Double-texting isn’t always a bad thing, as long as it only happens once in a while. If you regularly double-text when the person hasn’t answered you, it’s the equivalent of saying, “Answer me, damn it!” Yup, it’s a no-no. You might as well tell the person that it annoys you when they don’t get back to you! Oh, and while we’re on the subject, don’t jump from text to email or voice notes to push them for an answer. It’s so irritating!

10. You Leave Them On “Read” For Days.

There’s never a good excuse for leaving someone on “read” for days. Hours? Sure. But days? No way! This shows the person you have no time for them and you’re choosing to leave them on the back-burner for ages. It’s not cool. If you don’t have time, rather reply to them and let them know you’re gonna have to think about it before getting back to them. Don’t just leave them hanging.

11. You Correct Their Grammar.

It’s bad enough if your texts are littered with bad spelling and grammar that makes it look like you’re rushing through texting because you don’t care. It’s even worse if you correct other people’s spelling and grammar. Um, what? It’s so condescending! You’re supposed to be chatting to them, not trying to become their teacher. Don’t do it, no matter how tempted you are. Okay?

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.