Company Creates Dolls With Down Syndrome To Teach Children About Inclusivity And Enchance Representation

Company Creates Dolls With Down Syndrome To Teach Children About Inclusivity And Enchance Representation

If it’s not abundantly clear by now, representation matters. Giving children and young adults the opportunity to see themselves reflected in the TV and movies they watch, the toys they play with, and the media they partake in is not only important, it’s vital. Not only that, but increasing inclusivity helps to accurately reflect the world we live in and increase acceptance and understanding of people from all walks of life. That’s why Miniland USA has created dolls with Down syndrome that not only teach children but allow them to feel a part of something bigger.

Down syndrome dolls

  1. One in 700 babies is born with Down syndrome in the US. While it’s not exactly common, it isn’t rare either. So why are there no toys that reflect this difference? That’s where Miniland comes into play. This European company created an entire line of dolls with Down syndrome features with an aim to promote their vision for children around the globe: “A world where being unique means shining with your own light.”
  2. Miniland believes that we’ve been approaching play all wrong. From the company’s perspective, playtime for kids should be about learning and exploration rather than indoctrination and judgment. By providing kids with toys with differences, we allow them to normalize and even learn about the wonderful world around them.
  3. The dolls come in different races as well. Not only does Miniland want to allow kids to play with dolls with special needs, but they also want to normalize skin colors that reflect the real world, so their dolls come in various races too. This is wonderful as it means children can have a diverse collection of toys that represent so many different groups of people. That’s how it should be!
  4. Miniland has partnered with Target to sell the dolls in the US. Target’s website has a wide variety of Miniland USA dolls, including many with Down syndrome and others of various races and genders too. They’re quite affordable at about $45.99 and your children will love them!


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