Guys have accused me of being high maintenance for some pretty dumb stuff, which is ridiculous since I’m actually super laid-back. Having preferences or routines doesn’t make me a high maintenance girlfriend, and neither do these 8 things:
- I don’t like the outdoors. So, I won’t be climbing Everest or camping or white-water rafting any time soon. So what? Some people are big on the outdoors and others, like me, prefer air-conditioned spaces. It doesn’t mean my partner will ever have to freak out: I’m not going to change him — he can still do his outdoorsy, adventurous things, but I’ll probably be at the shopping mall or spa. Hey, it’s good to have some of our own interests.
- I don’t leave the house without makeup on. Yes, even if there’s a fire, I’m sure I’ll leap through the flames with some eyeliner on. But seriously, dipping into my makeup bag before leaving the house doesn’t mean I’m hectic. It just means I take pride in my appearance and like to look good. There’s definitely a double standard going on: guys want women to look hot but they don’t want women to take time to make it happen. Fact!
- I’m not big on spontaneous dates. I need time to get ready for a date, damn it, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I don’t just need time to apply makeup but shave/wax, paint my nails, wash and style my rebellious head of hair, etc. My boyfriend should only tell me he’s outside my place to pick me up for an impromptu date if he’s brought his Kindle along. It might be a bit of a wait.
- I don’t have sex until I get to know someone. I’ve never been keen on having sex early on in a relationship. In the past, some jerks have viewed this as being a high maintenance tease or playing hard to get, but what’s so wrong with wanting to see that a guy’s emotional and mental qualities line up with his hot AF body? That can only be revealed in time.
- I don’t like to cook. There, I said it. Time wasted in the kitchen can be better spent doing other fun stuff instead, IMHO. Maybe I won’t cook but I’ll surprise my partner with paying for dinner when we’re at a restaurant. Or hell, maybe I’ll be the one to hang pictures up on the wall. Whatever. It’s 2016, so there’s no need for heavily structured relationship roles.
- Shiny things catch my eye. I like bling and fashion labels. This doesn’t mean that I’m going to be demanding that my boyfriend buys me things. In fact, when people make this assumption it’s highly insulting to me because I pay my own way and am no stranger to spoiling myself.
- I might ask my boyfriend to do some heavy lifting. Asking my BF to do some tasks around the house, such as killing that gross spider in the shower drain or moving a heavy bookshelf, doesn’t mean that I’m a princess. It also doesn’t mean that I’m extremely delicate and want to depend on a guy for everything. I can still look out for myself even though I’m girly and spiders freak me the hell out. Dynamite in small packages and all that…
- I expect to be treated like a lady. Bring back chivalry! Just because I want my guy to be a gentleman, respect me and treat me well, it doesn’t mean I’m difficult or demanding. It just means that I know I’m worthy of the best and won’t settle for less. It’s not high maintenance, it’s called having high standards, all right?