Things Your Partner Does That Are Cute (But Also Kinda Annoying)

Things Your Partner Does That Are Cute (But Also Kinda Annoying)

Even the people we love most can get on our nerves sometimes. After all, those little quirks that were adorable at first might have a slightly different effect a few years in. But hey, that’s part of the deal when you share your life with someone! Let’s dive into those cute-but-kinda-annoying habits your partner has that simultaneously makes you think, “Aww!” and “Ugh, just stop!”

1. Hitting the snooze button a million times

Turning off an alarm clock

Every morning, they turn into a snooze-button ninja, hitting it over and over again with crazy accuracy. It’s like a symphony of beeps and groans – annoying as heck, but you gotta admit, it’s kind of impressive. And the weird stuff they mumble in their sleep always end up becoming hilarious inside jokes you both laugh about later.

2. Stealing your food

You ordered those fries for a reason, but their fork just seems to “accidentally” wander over to your plate. It’d be obnoxious if it wasn’t so cute when they give you their best puppy-dog eyes. To get even, you start sneaking bites of their food too, turning it into a playful (and sometimes messy) food-sharing ritual.

3. Wearing your clothes (and never giving them back)

Your favorite hoodie has mysteriously become theirs. It looks ridiculously oversized on them, and you secretly love how comfy they look bundled up in it. You even start “accidentally” leaving your clothes around their place, hoping they’ll snag some of your other favorite items.

4. Hogging all the blankets

On the couch, they transform into a human burrito, limbs tucked into a blanket in the most hilariously tangled way. It doesn’t look comfortable, but they’re blissfully snoozing away. You can’t resist gently untangling them and sneaking in for a cuddle, even if they let out a sleepy grumble in protest.

5. Bathroom oversharing

TMI is their middle name. They have no qualms updating you on their digestion… while you’re brushing your teeth. Love means no secrets, right? Maybe you even start dishing back with equally cringeworthy details, turning it into a bizarre bonding experience. You know it’s gross, but miraculously, it doesn’t destroy the romance!

6. Singing along… badly

They belt out power ballads in the shower, bless their heart. The enthusiasm is there, the pitch is… questionable. Hey, at least you always have a good laugh. Sometimes you even join in, intentionally harmonizing terribly, just to turn it into a ridiculous duet.

7. Leaving an empty box/container hanging around

You reach for the cereal/chips/milk only to find a sad, empty container. It’s infuriating, but for some reason you find yourself smirking as they try to look innocent. Now, you sometimes hide snacks intentionally, watching with amusement as they try to sniff them out like a confused bloodhound.

8. Picking their nose (when they think you’re not looking)

We all do it, but it’s a whole different thing to witness your significant other in the act. Just act like you saw nothing… Maybe give them a pack of tissues with a playful wink just to let them know you caught them. The flustered expression you’ll get in return is almost worth it.

9. Doing their bizarre “happy dance”

Handsome young funny man dancing in kitchen at home in the morning and have fun on vacation

Something good happens and they break into the most awkward, flailing-limbed jig. It’s embarrassingly dorky, but their unbridled happiness is infectious even to the most cynical person, you have to admit. Even better, you’ve started learning their go-to moves and sometimes surprise them by joining their ridiculous celebration.

10. Talking in silly voices to pets

dog staring lovingly at owner

We’re talking full-on baby talk, complete with nonsensical words and a high-pitched tone reserved solely for the dog/cat/bearded dragon. You pretend to be mortified, but secretly find it heartwarming. Sometimes, you can’t resist joining in, creating a racket of silly voices that has the pet either thrilled or utterly bewildered.

11. Leaving dirty laundry all over

They have a designated “worn sock corner” somewhere in the room. The smell is a biohazard, but moving them triggers a mini-meltdown. You’ve taken to stealthily dropping air fresheners near their sock pile, creating a bizarrely scented battleground.

12. Making weird (and sometimes gross) food combos

Pickles and ice cream? Sure. Ketchup on scrambled eggs? Why not! Their questionable culinary experiments make you gag, but they always offer you a taste, which is kinda sweet. Out of morbid curiosity, you sometimes try a bite, which always triggers a shared look of either disgust or surprising delight.

13. Farting and blaming it on the dog

A classic move, and the dog’s perpetually confused face is priceless. Bonus points if they actually manage to convince you with their faux-outrage. You might even playfully accuse the dog to see their reaction, which leads to a full-blown investigation complete with dramatic sniffing of the dog’s rear end.

14. Unintentional ASMR

The gentle clicking of their nails on their phone screen, the soft crinkling of a chip bag… some of their everyday noises are oddly soothing and weirdly endearing (and downright obnoxious at times, you have to admit). Yet you sometimes find yourself focusing on those little sounds when you’re stressed, and their obliviousness to it makes it even more relaxing. Maybe you even start recording them on the sly to create a calming, custom soundscape.

15. Being a total zombie in the morning

You know that glazed-over look, right after waking up or before their morning coffee kicks in? Adorable! They’re not fully functioning, but their disheveled charm is unmatched. You find yourself staring at them endearingly, taking mental snapshots of their adorably sleepy face and tousled hair. Sometimes you can’t resist sneaking a kiss or a gentle poke, just to see their adorably confused reaction.

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Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.