Things People With No Class Do That Make Everyone Cringe

We all know at least one of those people. People who have no class and make everyone around them uncomfortable with their crass behaviors. Check this list to make sure you’re not the cringe one of the group.

1. Talking down to service workers

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I don’t know about you, but having worked in the service industry, I have deep respect for what workers deal with on a daily basis. Someone who talks down and acts entitled with service workers can turn after-work drinks into a cringe-fest pretty quickly.

2. Bulldozing conversations

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The art of conversation is not something everyone is blessed with. Someone who bulldozes the conversation by interrupting or talking over other people is clearly lacking in the social etiquette department.

3. Dressing inappropriately

girls having party in summer

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Flip flops at a wedding? A Hawaiian shirt at work? Some people either lack the ability to understand proper dress codes or they just straight-up have no class.

4. Showing off wealth

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The quickest way to make me cringe is bragging. Who wants to hear about how many personal possessions, fancy cars, or money someone has? We feel happy for them and everything, but they really should learn to keep it to themselves.

5. Being ungrateful

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There is so much to be grateful for in life, but some people just can’t see anything but the negative. People who focus on the negative and never show gratitude don’t tend to succeed in life—and it’s pretty easy to see why.

6. Lack of personal hygiene

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It’s incredibly cringe to just be dirty for no reason. Making others around you uncomfortable with your odor, appearance, or actions shows a lower quality of character. Soap and water is all it takes.

7. Being a flake

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Some people just can’t get themselves together and be reliable. Whether it’s canceling a coffee date last minute, or not picking you up from the airport as promised—people who are flaky can be really hard to deal with.

8. Refusing to take responsibility

unhappy couple eyeing each other up

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Hey, it’s hard to admit when we’re wrong. But everyone is wrong sometimes, and the ability to admit it and apologize so everyone can move on is a skill. A skill that seems lost on those with no class.

9. Gossiping

woman making shushing face with man

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Everyone loves a little tea now and again, but continuously gossiping about friends and coworkers is pretty classless. You might be dealing with someone with no class if they seem to like spilling the tea a little too much.

10. Bad manners

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We were all taught to say “please” and “thank you” even before kindergarten. So why is it that some people just can’t seem to remember good manners? That certain someone who’s constantly chewing with their mouth open or forgetting to RSVP can truly be enraging.

11. Using profanity

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We get it, using profanity is fun. It’s been proven that it increases adrenaline, lets off steam, and has a soothing effect on the person using it. But that person who doesn’t know the right time or place is the one making everyone around them cringe.

12. Ignoring boundaries

olleagues arguing in office. Angry businessman yelling at his collegue.

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Someone who hugs you without asking, doesn’t let you talk in conversation, or repeatedly calls you after midnight needs to learn a thing or two about personal boundaries. People with no class often are the worst offenders.

13. Making a scene

woman using bullhorn during office meaning

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We all get upset sometimes. But yelling at the waiter because your order was wrong is a classless act. It’s best to try and avoid people who love to make a scene. Along with being cringe, you may be dealing with someone with deep anger issues.

14. Being late

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Having respect for other’s time is a truly classy behavior. But we all have that less-than-classy friend who shows up hours late to the party, ducks into work late with Starbucks in hand, and generally has no respect for anyone’s time but their own.

15. Overstaying their welcome

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“Fish and guests stink after three days” is the old saying, and it rings true today. It’s easy to pick out a person with no class by their inability to sense when they’ve overstayed their welcome.

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