18 Things That Regularly Come Out Of The Mouths Of Sanctimonious People

18 Things That Regularly Come Out Of The Mouths Of Sanctimonious People

If there’s anything I hate, it’s sanctimonious people who constantly judge you and make you feel like you’re not good enough. They’re constantly on a self-made high horse, looking down on everyone and acting like they’re gods on earth. Unsure if you’ve ever dealt with one of these jerks? If someone you know is known to say more than one of these things, they’re incredibly self-righteous.

1. “I’m Not Judging, But…”

This one’s a classic. It’s like a friendly warning light before they launch into something that’s totally a judgment, no matter how it’s sugar-coated. They might follow it up with advice on your life choices or comments on your latest purchase. It’s their way of giving you their two cents while trying to sound like they’re just looking out for you.

2. “When I Was Your Age…”

Get ready for a blast from the past. They’ll use this line to set up a story about their younger days, subtly hinting that they had it all together. It’s not just a trip down memory lane; it’s a comparison game where they often come out as the more responsible or enlightened one.

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4. “I Always Make Sure To…”

Brace yourself for a rundown of their perfect routines or foolproof methods. This isn’t just sharing; it’s a lesson in how sanctimonious people think everyone should operate. From their morning routine to their investment strategies, they present their way of doing things as the gold standard.

5. “Back in My Day…”

This one’s all about glorifying the past. They paint a picture of a time when everything was just better, simpler, or more moral. It’s a subtle dig at the present, suggesting that today’s generation just doesn’t get it. Plus, it’s a great way for them to remind you that they’ve seen it all.

6. “I Read an Article About That…”

They love this line. It’s their way of establishing themselves as an authority on, well, pretty much anything. Read an article about health, politics, or the latest tech? Suddenly, they’re an expert, ready to enlighten you with their newfound wisdom, whether it’s entirely accurate or not.

7. “People Nowadays Have No Respect.”

A favorite gripe about the current state of the world. It’s a broad statement, lamenting how everything has supposedly gone downhill. They talk about the lack of respect, values, and decency in today’s world, often overlooking the complexities and progress that have been made over time.

8. “You’ll Understand When You’re Older.”

This one’s a bit patronizing, isn’t it? It’s like they’re saying your points are valid, but only up to a point. Age, in their eyes, is the ultimate teacher, and until you reach a certain milestone, you just won’t get the full picture.

9. “Actually, It’s Pronounced…”

Nothing like a good old pronunciation correction to boost their ego. They jump at the chance to correct you, and it often feels more about them showcasing their knowledge than genuinely helping you out. Whether it’s a foreign cuisine or a tricky technical term, they’re on it.

10. “In My Experience…”

They love starting sentences like this. It’s their preamble to offering advice or insights, positioning themselves as the more seasoned, worldly individual. It often comes off as a little know-it-all, but in their mind, they’re just sharing the wisdom of their years.

11. “Come on, everyone else is thinking it too.”

They like to position themselves as the brave truth-teller, the one who’s bold enough to say out loud what others supposedly only think. It’s a way for them to justify their blunt or sometimes insensitive remarks, presenting themselves as just being honest, even if what they’re saying isn’t necessarily what everyone’s thinking.

12. “It’s Just Common Sense.”

Ah, the appeal to common sense – their go-to argument ender. They use this line to shut down any discussion, implying that if you don’t agree with them, you lack basic reasoning skills. It’s a subtle way of saying their perspective is the only logical one.

13. “In the Real World…”

They love to drop this phrase, especially when they think your ideas or views are too idealistic or naive. By invoking ‘the real world,’ they position themselves as more grounded or realistic, often overlooking the fact that the real world is diverse and full of different perspectives and experiences.

14. “If You Did Your Research…”

This is their way of challenging your knowledge or preparation on a topic. It’s a bit of a power play, suggesting that sanctimonious people have done their homework and you, unfortunately, have not. Whether or not they actually know more is another story, but they sure like to make it seem that way.

15. “No Offense, But…”

Here comes a doozy. Prefacing a statement with ‘no offense’ is their way of softening a blow before delivering a comment that’s likely to offend. It’s like they believe adding this disclaimer magically takes the sting out of their words.

16. “That’s Politically Correct Nonsense.”

They use this line whenever they disagree with modern social norms or language changes. It’s a dismissal of anything that challenges their traditional views, often used to justify their refusal to adapt their language or behavior to be more inclusive or sensitive.

17. “I’m Surprised You Don’t Know That.”

This one’s a subtle dig at your knowledge or awareness. They use it to express their surprise (real or feigned) at a perceived gap in your understanding, often making it sound like this piece of information is something everyone should know.

18. “As a [insert profession or status], I…”

Sanctimonious people love starting sentences like this to bring their job or status into the conversation, even when it’s barely relevant. It’s a way to remind you of their credentials or experience, setting them up as an authority figure whose opinions carry more weight because of their professional or personal background.

19. “That’s Not How I Would Do It.”

Oh boy, here we go. They just can’t help but let you know that your way isn’t their way – and by extension, maybe not the right way. Whether it’s about how you’re managing your work, your relationships, or even how you’re cooking your pasta, they’ve got an opinion, and they’re not shy about sharing it.

Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.