Things That Get Harder To Swallow As The Years Go By

Things That Get Harder To Swallow As The Years Go By

Wisdom isn’t just about what we learn – it’s what we unlearn. As the years roll by, those rose-colored glasses start to crack, and certain shiny promises, convenient excuses, and overly optimistic pronouncements just don’t sit right anymore. Here’s why:

1. The claim that “age is just a number”

Sure, attitude matters, and we shouldn’t let a number define our limitations. But let’s be real – knees creak, energy dips, and those all-nighters partying like you’re 21 lead to a world of pain. Age IS a number; it impacts our bodies. Owning that allows us to adjust gracefully, not cling to a youthful ideal that becomes increasingly unrealistic.

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2. Simplistic solutions to complex problems

Early on, the world seems black-and-white. “Just work harder!” solves all financial problems. “They’re mean because they’re jealous!” explains every social slight. That’s not the case, however — there’s a definite grey area. Experience shows us life’s messy. Systemic issues, bad luck, and our own flaws play a role. Anyone promising quick fixes is likely selling, not solving.

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3. The promise that finding your soulmate will make everything perfect

Love is awesome, of course, but rom-coms lie. No person completes you. Relationships are work, even amazing ones. Expecting a partner to fix your loneliness, boredom, or lack of purpose is a recipe for codependency, not happily ever after. True fulfillment comes from within, even when shared with someone special.

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4. Excuses that blame bad luck for everything

Sometimes, life throws unfair curveballs, but constantly attributing setbacks to “the universe being against me” just creates a victim mentality. Yes, acknowledge external forces, but also look for where you have agency. There’s almost always SOMETHING you could have done differently, some lesson to be gleaned. This empowers you to face future obstacles with less helplessness.

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5. Companies claiming they’re “like a family”

“We’re all in this together!” they declare, especially when asking you to work unpaid overtime. Businesses exist to make money. Good bosses can be supportive, but at the end of the day, your livelihood is transactional. Loyalty is earned, not automatic. Don’t get lulled into sacrificing your own well-being for the illusion of corporate ‘family.’

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6. The idea that “everything happens for a reason”

Sometimes, bad things are just random, senseless crap. A comforting phrase when we’re grappling with grief or unfairness, but taken too literally, it breeds toxic positivity, per Verywell Mind. It can minimize real pain (“Be grateful for the lesson!”) and place blame on the sufferer for not finding the ‘reason’ for their hardship. There’s power in accepting that some things are simply senseless.

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7. Politicians promising radical change

Young idealists get swept up in the possibility of overturning the entire system. Experienced folks? We’ve seen this play before. Real change is incremental, messy, and involves compromise. Anyone claiming they’ll fix it all overnight is either naive or intentionally misleading you. We want progress, but skepticism about grand promises is healthy.

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8. Apologies without changed behavior

“I’m sorry” used to be enough, but with time, we recognize the difference between remorse and just placating someone to get them off your back. True apologies are followed by different actions. If the same harmful pattern keeps repeating, the “sorry” is meaningless, just a manipulative word used to avoid consequences.

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9. The myth that hard work always equals success

The American Dream narrative is strong, but reality sets in eventually. We see deserving people struggle despite their best efforts due to circumstances beyond their control. Simultaneously, the mediocre rise based on luck, connections, and privilege. It’s NOT about invalidating hard work, but about recognizing it’s one piece of an unpredictable puzzle.

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10. The idea of a linear path to success

Life is squiggly, not a straight line. That picture of graduate, get a good job, buy a house, get married, have kids – it’s outdated and doesn’t fit most people’s reality. Detours, failures, and redefining what success even means become part of the journey. We get suspicious of anyone claiming they have it all figured out from the start.

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11. Unsolicited advice, especially about major life choices

Well-meaning older relatives, random acquaintances… they love to dispense advice like it’s gospel. The older you get, the more you realize YOUR life is uniquely yours. What worked for them decades ago, or in their specific context, isn’t necessarily relevant. A “thank you for your perspective” and doing your own thing becomes the norm.

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12. Being told to “smile more”

This is especially common for women. The assumption that our default facial expression should be radiating constant cheer is… exhausting. Some days are hard, we’re deep in thought, or we’re simply minds elsewhere. Demanding a smile for the sake of pleasing other people becomes increasingly unacceptable as we own our full range of human emotions.

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13. The notion that “busy” equals “important”

Running around frazzled used to be a status symbol. Now, we smell burnout a mile away. Overscheduling ourselves leaves no room for rest, creativity, or spontaneous joy. Learning to say “no,” and to value unstructured time is a sign of maturity, not laziness. Those who brag about being constantly overwhelmed get a side-eye.

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14. Diet and fitness fads promising miraculous results

Lose 20 pounds in 10 days! Get rock-hard abs with this one weird trick! The longer we’re on this Earth, the more we see through the BS marketing. Sustainable health is about consistency over flash-in-the-pan extremes. Those selling miracle cures are preying on insecurities, not offering real solutions.

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15. People who never take responsibility for their actions

The perpetual victim, always twisting things to make themselves look innocent. Early on, we give people the benefit of the doubt, maybe try to be the bigger person, but there comes a point where recognizing chronic manipulators becomes essential self-preservation. We set limits and stop engaging in their exhausting blame games.

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16. The belief that you only get one shot at happiness

You missed the “perfect” job in your twenties, the “right” person slipped away, that dream move never panned out. It’s easy to wallow in regrets over past roads not taken, but wisdom lies in seeing that happiness is a choice we make each day, in the present circumstances, however imperfect. Second acts, late bloomers, finding joy in unexpected places – it’s never too late.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.