10 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone An Explanation For (Even If You Think You Do)

10 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone An Explanation For (Even If You Think You Do)

Walking around thinking you have to explain yourself to everyone makes it seem like you’re living apologetically. Where’s your confidence to own your decisions and live without anyone’s permission? Look, while explaining your behavior when you’ve been rude or hurt someone’s feelings is a good move, you don’t need to do that all the time. In fact, you shouldn’t be. It’s a waste of time. Here are 10 things you don’t owe anyone an explanation for, even if you think you do. They’re your business!

1. Your Life Choices

Cute black hair woman having breakfast in her kitchen, using a laptop, browsing internet, browsing paper documents...Trieste, Italy, Europe

You want to chase down a certain career path or date someone out of your usual type. Who says you need to explain to your friends or family why it’s important to you? You never have to justify your big life choices ’cause they’re completely up to you. You have the freedom to chart your own course, and don’t forget it. Same goes for being proud about your success – it might not make sense to others, but that’s their problem!

2. Your Dreams

Happy male person face home portrait. Blue eyes looking at camera close up. Joyful bristle surfer man long hair. Smiling shy guy. Kind casual people. Young adult hippie inside house. Hipster hairstyle

While others might not realize why you want to chase certain dreams in life, maybe ’cause they’re unique or unusual, that doesn’t mean you should stop chasing them. Dreams are personal, but that’s what makes them right for you! Wait until you achieve them – then you’ll see everyone who doubted you applauding you.

3. Your Beliefs

Whether you’re religious, spiritual, or unsure of where you stand, that’s your business. You never, ever, have to feel bad for having different ideas to other people in your social group. Similarly, you don’t have to try to defend your convictions to them. People should love you for who you are, without caring about your beliefs. What matters more is being a good person.

4.  Your Self-Care

Everyone has different ways to nurture themselves and recharge their social batteries. For you, it might be hitting the spa for all the most pampering treatments. For your bestie, it could be relaxing with a good book. It doesn’t matter what you choose, as long as you don’t feel pressured to choose the latest wellness trend just ’cause everyone’s doing it. Self-care is about yourself, no one else.

5.  Your Past


Sure, people might be interested in learning about you and where you came from. But you don’t always have to explain or justify things you’ve done in your past. As long as you’ve learned from your experiences and mistakes, that’s the most important thing and that’s what shapes who you are today.

6.  Your choice to say “no”

Lonely woman embracing herself at sunset sky. Upset thinking girl looking camera give hug in sunlight. Insecure offended silhouette experience breakup taking break outdoors. Support personal crisis.

It can make you feel guilty to say “no” to a friend who needs a favor from you or wants to see you when you’re not available. You don’t have to explain why you’re politely declining their request – “no” is a complete sentence! You don’t need to say anything else if you don’t want to. And, it’s totally your business if you need some time alone to do absolutely nothing.

7. Your Choice Not To Have Kids


It’s scary how some people still get weird about women who state they don’t want to have kids. It’s 2024, people! If a nosy relative is asking you why you don’t have kids or your friends who are mothers treat you differently for not being part of their gang, you have every right not to stand there and feel forced to list your reasons or justify your decision to not be a mother.

8. What you eat (or don’t)

You get to choose what you eat and if you want to be healthy. As long as you’re doing what makes you happy, you don’t have to explain your choices to anyone. Whether you’re eating a salad for dinner or doughnuts when you’re feeling hangry, no one has the right to chirp in with what they think.

9. Your Choice Of Partner

Maybe you’re dating someone who doesn’t really fit your usual type and your friends are puzzled. Although they might have your best interests at heart, it’s not their job to “solve” your dating issues or tell you who to date. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders and you can choose whoever you wish to date. Although friends might express their opinions, they should always support you.

10. Your Decision To Not Drink


two men chatting at outdoor cafe

It’s so annoying to have to explain why you don’t drink booze. Maybe you always prepare an explanation so you don’t have to feel bad in social settings. Enough is enough! You don’t go around asking people why they don’t drink soda or juice, so why should you be treated like you’re boring just because you don’t reach for a bottle of beer or glass of wine? People need to get over themselves!

11. Your Personal Style

How you style your clothing and hair doesn’t have anything to do with anyone. Don’t listen to your partner when they tell you that you should be a redhead instead of a blonde – it’s your hair, not theirs. Ditto for friends who tell you that you should wear different clothing. How you dress is up to you because it reflects your personality. Let it shine!

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.