12 Thoughts That Constantly Occupy The Mind of an Optimist

12 Thoughts That Constantly Occupy The Mind of an Optimist

Optimists seem to have some kind of insane superpower where they’re able to let other people’s negativity roll off their backs and just keep on truckin’ with a positive attitude. How they do it, I have no idea. However, it probably helps that they’re always repeating positive mantras and thoughts like the ones below in their brains over and over again.

1. The Best is Yet to Come.

For an optimist, there’s a firm belief that no matter what’s happening today, better days are just around the corner. They’re the ones who see a rainy day and think about the flowers that’ll bloom tomorrow, as cheesy as that sounds. Their mindset is geared towards hope and positivity rather than doom and gloom. This usually makes them the go-to friends for a pep talk when you’re feeling down. They’re constantly looking forward to new adventures and opportunities, and they believe that every experience, good or bad, leads to something great.

2. Every Problem Has a Solution.

Optimists are the problem-solvers who believe there’s no problem that can’t be solved successfully. They spend a lot of time thinking about ways to overcome obstacles rather than dwelling on the challenges that stand in their way. This approach keeps them energized and focused, and they’re always ready to tackle whatever comes their way. They’re the ones who’ll cheer you on, reminding you that there’s always a way out of a tough spot.

3. Learning is Everywhere.

People with an optimistic outlook are passionate about learning, and they see every situation as a chance to grow. They’re constantly thinking about what they can learn from their experiences. Whether it’s a successful project or a plan that didn’t work out, they genuinely believe there’s a lesson in everything. As unfathomable as that is to many of us, this kind of attitude keeps them excited and engaged with the world around them.

4. Gratitude is Key.

Optimists are big on gratitude. They often reflect on the things they’re thankful for, whether it’s the big achievements or the small joys of everyday life. This habit of focusing on what they have rather than what they lack helps them maintain an upbeat perspective on life even when things kinda suck. They’re the friends who remind you to look for the silver lining in every cloud.

5. Connections Matter.

The mind of an optimist is often occupied with thoughts about their relationships with the people around them. They value their friendships and family ties deeply because they believe that strong relationships are the foundation of a happy life. They invest time and energy in nurturing these bonds, seeing them as sources of joy and support. What’s life about if not connecting with people on a deep level?

6. Change is Exciting, Not Scary.

Change isn’t something to fear for an optimist; it’s something to embrace. They’re actually excited by the prospect of switching things up, largely because they see it as an opportunity for new experiences and evolution. Their minds are often busy planning for future possibilities and adventures, and they’re always anticipating what’s next on their journey.

7. Positivity is Contagious.

Optimists believe in the power of positivity and its ability to spread. They think a lot about ways to share their upbeat outlook with other people, whether it’s through a compliment, a supportive gesture, or just a smile. They understand that their positive energy can lift people up and make a real difference in their day. Of course, they do their best not to shove it down people’s throats to the point that their positivity becomes toxic.

8. Every Day is a New Opportunity.

For optimists, each day is a blank canvas that they can fill in however they choose. They wake up thinking about the possibilities that lie ahead and they’re always eager to make the most of each day. This mindset keeps them motivated and looking toward the future, and they’re always on the lookout for new opportunities and experiences.

9. Success is Always Within Reach.

Optimists hold a firm belief that success is just around the corner. They spend time envisioning their achievements and setting goals for the next one. Their focus isn’t just on the end result — they get that there’s joy in the journey too. This mindset keeps them resilient even when they experience setbacks, and they’re always ready to try again. They’re the ones who’ll encourage you to chase your dreams, no matter how big or small.

10. Kindness Makes the World Go Round.

happy black couple outdoors with dogiStock/GaudiLab

A common thought in the mind of an optimist is the power of kindness. They believe that small acts of godness can make a big difference in the world. They try to be compassionate and caring in their daily interactions to balance out all the bad stuff that’s out there. They’re the ones who’ll lend a helping hand without a second thought, and they’re always brightening someone’s day with their warmth and generosity.

11. The World is Full of Wonders.

For optimists, the world is a place brimming with exciting possibilities. They often think about the beauty and marvels around them, from the marvels of nature to human achievements. This sense of wonder keeps them curious and open-minded, as well as eager to explore and discover new things. It sounds child-like, but this innocence allows them to focus on the positive stuff rather than getting bogged down by the negative.

12. Happiness is a Choice.

Optimists regularly remind themselves that happiness is a conscious decision they have to make every single day. They focus on maintaining this mindset regardless of their circumstances. This doesn’t mean they ignore the tough stuff in life, but they choose to approach them with a positive attitude. They’re the ones who’ll tell you that happiness comes from within and encourage you to find joy in the little things. We could all internalize that attitude a bit more!

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.