The TubeRunner Pool Float Has An Internal Motor So You Can Zoom Through The Water In Style

Summer is upon us, I can feel it, and I don’t know about you but I’m more than ready to spend all damn day by the pool (or the lake when we can go on mini-vacations again) in the summer sun, sipping some drinks, chilling out, and just having a bit of fun. Frankly, I’m super tempted to get a couple of these TubeRunner motorized pool tubes to make the season even better.

  1. It’s like the motorized pool lounger but better. While the lounger is great because it lets you lazily float about, the TubeRunner allows you to ride around a little more actively. I mean, who doesn’t like the idea of playing a bit of pool bumper cars with their friends? I can’t be the only one!
  2. You control the TubeRunner via a joystick. The joystick-controlled Kort nozzle allows you to move around a body of water in every direction — you get full 360º spins here, which is pretty sweet. According to the item description, the TubeRunner uses “the same shrouded propeller used in tugboats” which can “provide vectored thrusts.” Sounds pretty impressive to me (even if I don’t know what it means really).
  3. It’s the perfect accessory for lazy people like myself. Sometimes I want another drink or to look at my phone a hot second but I’m too lazy to walk/swim to the edge of the pool. I don’t really need to with this – I just steer the joystick to the side of the pool and I’m off. If that’s not the ultimate exercise in laziness, I don’t know what is. It’s amazing.
  4. The TubeRunner includes a cup holder. Not much to say about that — the convenience speaks for itself.
  5. You can preorder your own motorized pool tube now. It’s being sold for $129.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer. They’re currently on preorder and won’t begin shipping until July 6, but it’s better to be ahead of the game, right? Order yours HERE.
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