These Are The 4 Types Of Men Most Likely To Have Affairs

Let’s just get the disclaimer out of the way here and say that it’s impossible to categorize all men as cheats simply because they possess a certain personality trait. If you’re dating or are in a relationship with someone with any of the following qualities, it doesn’t automatically mean they’re going to be unfaithful. However, anecdotally speaking, these types of men are more likely to be unfaithful for some pretty obvious reasons.

The super charming guy

Sure, you were drawn to him because he was charismatic, had a killer smile, and was a natural flirt. However, assuming all of those sparkling qualities that drew you to him are reserved specifically for you is foolish. If he’s a natural flirt, he’s going to be that way with every woman who looks his way. If he’s super charming and suave and knows exactly the right thing to say, he can say those things to other women, too.

Superficial charm is very convincing, but it’s also a tool for manipulation. Not only is it likely that he can talk another woman right into bed, but he can use that same gift of the gab to convince you he’s been faithful and would never step out on you. Chances are, you’re likely to believe it, too.

The convenience king

Not all types of men who cheat plan to do so in advance. They’re not sitting there like Mr. Burns from “The Simpsons,” concocting an evil plan to betray you. A guy who sees a convenient opportunity to cheat is likely to take it. Whether it’s a colleague who’s basically throwing herself at him, an old flame he runs into at the bar when visiting his hometown, or some alone time with a woman he’s always found attractive, if there’s a chance to get off with someone who’s not you, what’s a man to do but take it?

This is the same type of man who will claim that his affair meant nothing because there were no feelings involved. While he’s likely being honest about that (there are no feelings, it just… happened), that doesn’t negate the fact that he still slept with someone else and didn’t care how it would affect you.

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The player

It goes without saying that of all types of men most likely to have an affair, the player tops the list. He likely had a laundry list full of women he’d been with before you met and, despite how powerful you believe your lady parts to be, chances are he didn’t turn into a completely different person the minute you got together. Once a player, always a player in most cases. In other words, no matter how much you believe he’s changed and settled down, you’re kidding yourself.

Players tend to have high libidos and almost a compulsive drive to get with as many people as possible. In other words, they feel powerless to stop themselves from hopping into bed with any woman who will have them (not that they really try). You end up feeling like crap and his defense is that it’s just who he is. Believe him and get out.

The guy with unresolved feelings for his ex

Whew, this one is a doozy, and it hurts perhaps more than all the rest because you know there are deep emotions involved. Men who swear they’re over their exes but are either still in touch with them or clearly still have a spot of tenderness for them are far more likely to have affairs with them if they get the chance. This is because they haven’t actually moved on. Either you’re a rebound or they’re using you to get over their ex (unsuccessfully, I might add).

While guys like this should know better than to get into new relationships while they still haven’t worked through the aftermath of the old one, it happens more often then any of us would like to admit. The best you can do is notice the signs before they actually do anything about it physically so that you can exit early and save yourself even more heartbreak.

Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.