What It Means To Be “Kindred Spirits” With Someone

What It Means To Be “Kindred Spirits” With Someone

Have you ever met someone and instantly felt like you were long-lost buddies from another lifetime? That’s what it means to be “kindred spirits.” Here are some signs you vibe with someone on a cosmic level.

1. You Finish Each Other’s Sentences.

You know you’re kindred spirits when you can finish each other’s sentences without missing a beat. It’s like your minds are playing an intricate game of tag, passing thoughts back and forth effortlessly. You start a sentence, and they complete it with the exact word or phrase you had in mind. It’s not just about knowing each other well; it’s about being so attuned that your communication becomes seamless.

These moments of synchronicity feel like a secret language only the two of you share. It’s a bond forged through countless conversations, shared experiences, and an unspoken connection. You don’t need to explain yourselves; you simply get each other. It’s a beautiful reminder that sometimes, words are overrated, and the unspoken understanding between kindred spirits speaks volumes.

2. Silences Are Never Awkward.

In a world where awkward silences can make people fidget and scramble for something to say, being kindred spirits means you revel in comfortable quiet moments. You’ve reached a level of closeness where you don’t feel the need to fill every second with conversation. Whether you’re sitting side by side reading books, enjoying a meal, or simply gazing at the stars, these silences are anything but awkward.

These moments of shared serenity are a testament to the depth of your connection. You’re so comfortable in each other’s presence that words are sometimes unnecessary. It’s like your souls are having a conversation of their own, and it’s a beautiful thing. You cherish these silences because they speak volumes about the level of trust and understanding you share.

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4. You Share Similar Quirks.

Kindred spirits often share a treasure trove of quirks and idiosyncrasies that make your friendship even more unique. It’s like you both belong to the same quirky club with a membership limited to two. Perhaps it’s the way you both arrange your bookshelves by color rather than title, or your shared love for spontaneous road trips to obscure destinations.

These quirks become inside jokes and bonding experiences. They’re the little details that make your connection special. You celebrate each other’s eccentricities, knowing that being a little bit weird is what makes life interesting. So, when you discover yet another shared quirk, it’s like finding another puzzle piece that fits perfectly into the masterpiece of your friendship.

5. They’re Your Go-To for Everything.

Kindred spirits aren’t just friends; they’re lifelines. When you need advice, a listening ear, or someone to share a wild idea with, your kindred spirit is the first person who comes to mind. They’re the ultimate go-to, the person you can rely on through thick and thin.

From celebrating life’s triumphs to navigating its challenges, they’re there with unwavering support. They’re your confidant when you have secrets to share, your partner in crime for spontaneous adventures, and your rock when life gets stormy. Their presence in your life is like having a compass that always points you in the right direction.

6. You Challenge Each Other.

While kindred spirits share a deep connection, it doesn’t mean you agree on everything. In fact, your unique bond often involves challenging each other’s perspectives and beliefs. It’s not about confrontation but growth. You push each other to see the world from different angles, to question assumptions, and to evolve into better versions of yourselves.

These challenges are like sparks that ignite your personal development. They keep your friendship dynamic and exciting. Instead of stagnating in comfort zones, you both embark on journeys of self-discovery and growth together. It’s a testament to the strength of your bond that you can navigate these challenging conversations with respect and love, knowing that you’re both committed to each other’s growth.

7. You Laugh at the Same Inside Jokes.

One of the telltale signs of being kindred spirits is sharing a treasure trove of inside jokes that no one else quite understands. These jokes have a history, a context, and a unique humor that only you and your kindred spirit can appreciate. They’re like your secret language, your inside scoop on the world.

Whether it’s a reference to that unforgettable vacation mishap or a recurring gag about a quirky coworker, these inside jokes are a testament to the shared experiences and hilarious moments you’ve collected together. Whenever life gets a bit too serious, a simple reference to one of these jokes can turn the most mundane situations into fits of laughter.

8. You Can Be unapologetically Yourself.

Perhaps one of the most beautiful aspects of being kindred spirits is the freedom to be utterly and unapologetically yourself. There’s no need for masks, pretenses, or trying to fit into someone else’s mold. Your kindred spirit embraces you, quirks, flaws, and all.

In their presence, you feel seen, heard, and valued for who you truly are. It’s a rare and precious gift to have someone in your life who not only accepts your authenticity but celebrates it. You can share your wildest dreams, your deepest fears, and your most outlandish ideas without fear of judgment. It’s like having a safe harbor in the stormy sea of life, where you can take off your armor and just be you.

9. You Motivate Each Other to Chase Dreams.

Kindred spirits aren’t just content with sitting on the sidelines of life; they’re your biggest cheerleaders in the pursuit of dreams. When one of you has a crazy idea or a daring goal, the other is right there, ready to fan the flames of ambition.

It’s like having a built-in support system for your wildest aspirations. You motivate each other to take risks, overcome obstacles, and never settle for mediocrity. Your dreams become a shared adventure, and you push each other to reach for the stars. When the world says, “That’s impossible,” your kindred spirit says, “Watch us.” This mutual motivation isn’t just about achieving success; it’s about the thrill of the journey and the joy of seeing each other shine. With kindred spirits by your side, you’re not just chasing dreams; you’re catching them together.

Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.