The first date you’re on is going so well, it’s making you want to tell the person everything about yourself. Woah, hold on! While it’s good to be open and honest, you shouldn’t get verbal diarrhea and spill all your secrets and mysteries. It’s just TMI, plus it can zap the mystery that you want to enjoy this early on. Okay? So, here are 13 things you should never reveal about yourself on the first date because it’s going to ruin things before they can begin.
1. You Think About Your Ex.
Maybe you’re not 100 percent over your ex and it’s taking longer than you thought it would to move on. Although it’s fine to date someone new as long as you’re not holding onto hope of having a relationship sequel with your ex, it’s TMI to tell the person you’re on a date with that you think about your ex a lot. It legit gives them the impression that you want to reconnect with your ex.
2. You’ve Been With X Amount Of People.
You never have to tell anyone how many people you’ve slept with. Ever. That’s your business. But, you should especially not talk about it on a first date. It might give your date the idea that you’re only looking for a one-night stand or fling, or that you’re trying to impress them with the high number. Eek!
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4. You’re Keen To Have Kids.
You might see yourself as a parent in the near future, with tons of kids and a happy marriage. That’s great, but your date doesn’t need to know that RN. They’re going to think you’re either desperate, hurrying relationships along and rushing through dating milestones, or obsessed with having kids so you’ll settle with anyone. Nope, nope, nope!
5. Your Family Is Crazy.
Maybe your family’s a lot of hard work, but you don’t have to tell a complete stranger about how nuts they can be. Deal with that later when you’re a bit more serious and settled in your relationship. Sure, those funny anecdotes about the crazy things your family members have done might be entertaining, but they’re also better shared later. Okay?
6. Your Political Views.
Never talk about politics on a first date, even if the convo’s hitting some awkward silences. It’s way too heavy and serious for when you’re just getting to know someone’s vibe. It’s also a subject that many people feel strongly about, so you don’t want to end up arguing about stuff. It’s totally going to kill the mood!
7. You Googled Your Date.
Maybe you did a quick internet search on your date before meeting them, but they don’t need to know that! Unless they ‘fessed up to searching for you online, you don’t want to seem creepy or like a stalker. It could also make your date suspicious about why you’re dating them.
8. You Hate Your Exes.
Was your ex legit crazy? While that could be the case, and it’s not your fault, you shouldn’t be talking badly about them to your new date. For starters, it’s like dumping previous baggage on their doorstep. And, if you talk about how you hate all your exes, it might be a red flag for the person you’re dating – they’re gonna think you were the toxic one.
9. You Fought With Your Bestie Last Night.
Your date doesn’t need to know the rundown of how you and your bestie fought, filled with all the drama and emotions that could be on Real Housewives. I mean, are you chatting to a friend or venting to a therapist? Your date doesn’t need to feel like they have to handle your intense feelings. It’s too much, too soon.
10. You’re Loaded/Broke.
Another topic you shouldn’t talk about on a first date: money. It’s awkward as hell. Whether you’re talking about splashing money on Versace leggings or you’re scrambling to make this month’s rent, you want to avoid uncomfortable situations. If your financial situation is healthy, you risk attracting a gold digger. But, if you’re broke, you risk coming off as one. Just don’t risk it either way.
11. You’re Hating Everything RN.
Maybe you’ve been going through a bit of a rough patch. Although you might want to talk about your life to this person, you don’t want to paint a negative picture of what’s been going on. Again, this is the first date and you want to keep things light. Give just enough for them to want to talk to you again. Complaining about your life or job is going to be off-putting and won’t win them over.
12. You Want To Pay The Bill.
Maybe you were the one who invited the person to a first date, so you think it would be in good taste to pay the bill. While that can be a nice touch, you shouldn’t insist it. If your date wants to split the bill, be open to it – it probably makes them feel comfortable. Go on and show the person you can compromise.
13. You’ve Ghosted People Before.
Ghosting is never cool and if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of it, you know how much it can hurt. But crap happens and maybe you’ve been in the situation of having to ghost someone, like if they were dangerous or couldn’t take a hint. Still, even if you have a good explanation for it, ghosting can be quite heavy for someone new to hear about. Keep this story for when you know the person better and they’ll understand where you’re coming from so there aren’t any misunderstandings.
14. You Have A Dating Checklist.
Do you have a long list of things you want in a partner? Now’s not the time to whip it out and share it with your date. Um, awkward. Even if the person ticks all the boxes, it can still be weird because they’ll assume you’re telling them they’re The One. OMG, so embarrassing. Keep that mental list in your head, okay? Better yet, forget about it and just see how the date goes.